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Before you go to an ATM

Precautions while using ATM Machines


Before you go to an ATM

Minimize time spent at the ATM by filling out all forms, such as deposit slips, beforehand and having your ATM card out and ready to use. Protect your Personal Identification Number (PIN) and memorize it. Do not write your PIN on the card or carry it with you, and do not share your PIN with anyone, including family and friends.Consider having someone accompany you when the ATM is used after dark.


Worried about accruing credit card debt
Remember ATM theft can occur in two ways
ATM Security
Check your credit report
If your card is lost
Point of Sale Security
Choosing PIN
ATM Receipts
Look for possible fraudulent devices attached to the ATM
Secure Communications
Block the view of others when using the ATM
Before you go to an ATM
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