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Maintain the same timing

Precaution while using Homeopathy


Maintain the same timing

Take your homeopathic medicines exactly on the suggested time. As far as possible, maintain the same timing if you have been asked to take medicines daily. Homeopathic remedies are taken by mouth or applied to the skin (used topically) for a range of conditions including the common cold, swine flu, and flu (influenza), hayfever, asthma, eye infections (conjunctivitis), diarrhea, cancer, dermatitis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), anxiety, depression, fatigue and stress, migraineheadache, tension headache, osteoarthritis, muscle pain, motion sickness, otitis media, and many other conditions.


How Long to Take a Remedy
Homeopathic Recovery
Do not brush your teeth before you take the dose
We do not suggest abstinence from coffee garlic etc
Get rid of addictions
Strong smelling substances
Undergoing homeopathic treatment
Medicines reduces the potency of the medicines
Do not mix homeopathy with other medications
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