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Holistic system of treatment

Precaution while using Homeopathy


Holistic system of treatment

Homeopathic medicine is a holistic system of treatment which basically identifies and makes use of the own power of the human body which is in other words known as the Vital Force and this is what is believed to be stimulating all the living beings in this world. In contrast to the most common belief of many people that homeopathy is a kind of herbal or natural treatment; it is, in essence, far more specific and a clear-cut system of medicine that is complete and quite exhaustive. It is a system of holistic medication that can enable the course of not just healing the mind and body but also getting back a person to complete wellness, power, function and cheerfulness.


Should not be touched with hand
Other dietary restrictions
Orthodox or Allopathic Medical Drugs and Homeopathy
How Long to Take a Remedy
Should always be stored
When to take the remedy
Get rid of addictions
Medicines reduces the potency of the medicines
Homeopathic Remedy Antidotes
Do not mix homeopathy with other medications
Potentiation through dilution
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