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You re missing out on half of your model

Portrait Photography tips for Beginners


You re missing out on half of your model

No, I don t mean that you could be shooting twice as many people. I mean that there is a whole other side of your clients that you aren t shooting at all. What s that side? The back side. Shots of the subject walking away from the camera, or of the subject s body turned away from the camera and head facing the camera can be quite compelling.


Contrast clothing and location
When shooting for clients write their name on a sticky note and put it on the back of your camera
Photos weren t made to be bits
Quit sharpening blindly
The worst way to get a candid expression from your subject
KISS your model
Don t be a DSLR snob
Watch for elastics
Don t delete photos in camera
Learn to use the golden mean rather than the rule of thirds
Know the tips for hiding wrinkles
If you re going to use HDR use it wisely
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