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Mythic Creatures That Never Existed But People Believed In Anyway



According to the urban legend, the Menehune were an ancient race of dwarves who lived in the forests of Hawaii before the Polynesians settled there. Many scholars attribute the existence of ancient statues on the Hawaiian Islands to the Menehune. Others argue that the legend of the Menehune emerged with the arrival of Europeans in the area and that there was no such race in reality, but rather a creation of the human imagination. The myth goes back to the roots of Polynesian history. When the first Polynesians arrived in Hawaii they found dams, roads, and even churches which some claimed to were built by the Menehune, who, among other things, were apparently famous craftsmen. However, no one has found skeletons or remains of the small bodied people in Hawaii to confirm their existence despite there being strong evidence that there was an ancient tribe living there that happened to include exceptional craftsmen well before the Polynesians or Europeans arrived.


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