Alien Hideout at Area 51
Myth about Alien
Alien Hideout at Area 51
Ufologists, a fancy name the UFO fanatics give to themselves, simply go ballistic over the secrecy at this military base. They are especially annoyed at the signs along the fence warning that deadly force will be used against anyone crossing the fence. As a security measure, snoopy people are forced to keep moving along the dirt road near the base. The road, Route 375, has been nicknamed the Extraterrestrial Highway by Ufologists. Click on the image to see an enlargement.The Ufologists claim alien spacecraft have been seen arriving and leaving the very long airstrip on Groom Dry Lake. Claims are also made that the aliens are working alongside of US military personnel. Other claims are made that military personnel are trying to duplicate flying saucer technologies by reverse engineering the equipment found in captured UFOs. This stuff is far out.