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I m straight and don t use drugs I won t become HIV positive

Myth about AIDS


I m straight and don t use drugs I won t become HIV positive

Most men do become HIV positive through sexual contact with other men or through injection drug use. However, about 16% of men and 78% of women become HIV positive through heterosexual contact.


HIV can infect only homosexual men and drug users
You can get AIDS by kissing an HIV infected person
You cant get HIV from oral sex
HIV and AIDS are only caused through sex
AIDS drugs are poison and are more dangerous than the HIV virus
Current medications can cure AIDS It s no big deal if you get infected
To stop the spread of HIV people simply need to give up promiscuous sex and drug use
Nothing to worry about becoming HIV positive new drugs will keep me well
I can get ADIS
Scientists are five years from a cure for AIDS
HIV survives for only a short time outside the body
AIDS is a gay disease
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