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Star Trek Into Darkness The Enterprise sinks the film

Movie Plot Holes and Paradoxes


Star Trek Into Darkness The Enterprise sinks the film

I think you could probably make an entire list of plot holes from this disappointing sequel. But to do that would be mean (they ve now cured death, Khan s totally different personality and ethnicity, Khan s varying strength, hell just Khan himself, Spock not understanding the Prime Directive...). To be fair to the film, it sets out its stall early on. It doesn t give a damn about logic (is that ironic in a Star Trek film?). Prime example they hide the Enterprise under the sea. For no reason. If this is a primitive civilisation, couldn t they have just left it in orbit undetected? Rather than go to all the trouble of hiding a space ship under the sea? Which is actually impossible, but then so is warp speed and teleporting so I ll give them a pass on that.


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