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Mountains in India



Bandarpunch (or Bandarpoonch) is a major peak of the Garhwal division of the Himalayas, in the Indian state of Uttarakhand. It literally means Tail of the monkey or Tail of Hanuman in Hindi. Its a twin peak: Bandarpunch-I (6316m) & Bandarpunch-II (also known as white peak)(6102m). There is another peak called Kalanag (6387 m) or Black Peak. Yamunotri, the source of the river Yamuna, is the western most shrine in the Garhwal Himalayas, located on a flank of the Bandarpunch peak .Bandarpunch Glacier is about 12 km long.The Bandarpoonch glacier feeds water to the Yamuna (Feeds Tons river - largest tributary of Yamuna) as well as the Ganges, a uniqueness among other glaciers. Maj Gen Williams led the first successful climbing expedition in 1950. The first team to summit Bandarpunch comprised legendary Mountaineer Tenzing Norgay, Sergeant Roy Greenwood and Sherpa Kin Chok Tshering.


Saser Kangri II
Kang Yatze
Nanda Gond
Saser Kangri III
Agasthyamalai Hills
Vindhya Range
Nanda Ghunti
Haathi Parvat
Suli Top
Gangotri Group
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