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Mother Teresa



"I know that I join countless others across the world in giving thanks to God for the many contributions Mother Teresa has made to the Church and to the human family. Mother Teresa spent her life with the Lord, especially serving Him in the poor. She must be especially happy to meet Him now face to face. Her life?s work is assured through her sisters, the Missionaries of Charity, to whom I offer my deepest sympathy ? especially to the sisters who serve St. Malachy Parish on Chicago?s West Side. The simplicity of her lifestyle and the singlemindness of her dedication will serve as an example for generations to come. Believing in the power of God?s grace which transformed her life, each of us ?relying on the same grace can do what she has done. Archbishop Francis George, OMI, Archdiocese of Chicago We are here to grieve the loss of a precious jewel, a glorious crown and a golden heart in the Church. Jaime Cardinal Sin, of the Philippines, at a Saturday evening Mass for Mother Teresa All the life of this great woman was the bright incarnation of service to the high humanitarian ideals of goodness, compassion, selflessness and faith. Mother Teresa will always remain in the hearts and minds of Russians as a friend of our country, ready to render help at any moment. Russian President, Boris Yeltsin
r. Andrew Apostoli, CFR, Yonkers, NY re-counted his first meeting with Mother Teresa in New York. Fr. Andrew has given retreats for the Missionaries of Charity contemplative sisters in the South Bronx on several occasions. On our first meeting, Mother Teresa gave me a rosary and commented that the Blessed Mother is all over the world bringing people to Her Son. She told me a story stating, whenever I need a special favor, I do an Express Novena. An Express Novena is 9 Memorares in a row. In 1983, one of our Superior sisters had gotten sick in Eastern Berlin, and Mother Teresa had to appoint a replacement that could handle the Communist government. The sister that they appointed as the successor for Eastern Berlin needed a Visa. Mother Teresa gathered her nuns and started praying the Express Novena (9 Memorare?s). On the 8th Memorare, the phone rang, it was a Communist official stating that it would be 6 months until they would receive the Visa. After the 9th prayer, Mother Teresa started the novena again. On the 8th Memorare the second time, the telephone rang this time, it was a Communist official who stated you will have your Visa immediately! Mother Teresa had a tremendous love for Our Lady. She had great courage and once stated to me that I never refused God anything . When she walked into the room to greet me, I felt that I was indeed meeting a saint. Evangelist, Billy Graham In an age when superlatives are used with abandon to describe the contributions of public figures, it is a testimony to Mother Teresa?s greatness that no same person would give her the status as the world?s most giving human being. But perhaps most of all, she will be remembered as someone who never sought the honor she so sincerely earned. William Donohue, Catholic League President The passing of Mother Teresa is a moment of joy because of her holiness. She was always with the dying and the poor, so rather than bringing mourning it brings joy. We are happy to offer her to God: Here is such a lovely soul. Bishop David E. Foley, Diocese of Birmingham, Alabama The world marveled at the commitment of this extraordinary woman. Bishop Gerald R. Barnes of San Bernardino, CA. A loss to the entire humanity. She will be deeply missed in our efforts to build international peace, and a just, caring and equitable world order. South African President Nelson Mandela's Mother Teresa imitated Christ and her life was a lesson in love. As she personally tended the sick and the dying in Calcutta's slums, she helped people there and beyond see the material and spiritual poverty that confronts modern society. She taught all -- from youth groups to governments -- through piety and charm, wisdom and simplicity. As small and soft-spoken as she was, her reach was large and her message heard around the world. She saw Jesus in everyone -- from the child in the womb, to the sick and vulnerable, especially those afflicted with AIDS, to the aged and dying abandoned in the streets of Calcutta. She urged people everywhere to reach beyond themselves to heal those hurting about them. Mother Teresa transcended cultures and politics as she spoke of God's call to love and assist the poor. She had a profound realization that anyone she was with -- immigrant, alien, president or prime minister, was first of all a Child of God and intrinsically worthy of respect. Her life will stand as a reminder to all of us that we are called to care for one another and especially that we are called to respect and aid the poorest among us. God blesses the world with wonderful treasures -- certainly Mother Teresa has been one of the finest of our century. Bishop Anthony M. Pilla, President of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops/United States Catholic Conference Mother Teresa's life proved that the only real revolution in human affairs flows from service to others and self-sacrifice out of love for Jesus Christ. She was a champion of the unwanted, from the outcast of Calcutta to the unwanted unborn of America. She was the genius of the little way of doing great things. Above all, she was in every sense a woman of the Gospel: strong in forgiving, tender to the poor, in love with Jesus Christ, and a servant of His Church. May God welcome her into eternal light and joy, and may the work of her sisters here in Colorado and around the world thrive on the legacy of mercy and Christian love she leaves with us. Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, Archdiocese of Denver An example of selfless devotion to charity. I hope she can be a good example to all charity workers and philanthropists. Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad A rare and unique individual who lived long for higher purposes. Her life-long devotion to the care of the poor, the sick and the disadvantaged was one of the highest examples of service to humanity. Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan The Chairman of the Nobel Peace Prize panel, Francis Sejersted, said Mother Teresa stood out as an example of true self-sacrifice in humanitarian work. She was awarded the prize in 1979. In a memorial Mass celebrating the life of Mother Teresa at St. Patrick Cathedral in New York on Monday, Cardinal John O?Connor spoke of the life of this devote nun who gave her life fighting for the weakest of the weak, the poorest of the poor. On ministering to the poor Mother Teresa wrote, Without suffering, our work would just be social work. O?Connor added, Only by being one with them can we redeem them. Rudolph Giuliani, Mayor of NYC, shared with Mass attendees his thanks for having had Mother Teresa among us. On a lighter note, Mayor Giuliani commented that he and former Mayor Ed Koch never said no when Mother Teresa asked the city [New York] for help. We knew she knew better than us what?s good for our people, Giuliani said. If she wanted parking spaces, we gave her parking spaces.


Educational Foundation
Founding the Missionaries of Charity
Death and Legacy
Called to Religious Life
Awards and Achievements
A vocation of service
Her International Pursuits
Becoming a Nun
Mother Teresa and the Nobel Peace Prize
The Streets of Calcutta
International Recognition
Major Accomplishments of Mother Teresa
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