Asahi Shimbun
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Asahi Shimbun
The Asahi Shimbun is one of the five national newspapers in Japan. Its circulation, which was 7.96 million for its morning edition and 3.1 million for its evening edition as of June 2010, was second behind that of Yomiuri Shimbun. The company has its registered headquarters in Osaka.The newspaper had an alliance with the International Herald Tribune, which is owned by The New York Times. Until 2010, they published the International Herald Tribune The Asahi Shimbun daily for English readers, which replaced Asahis previous English language daily, the Asahi Evening News. In 2010, this partnership was dissolved due to unprofitability and the Asahi Shimbun now operates the Asia & Japan Watch online portal for English readers. The Tribune cooperates with Asahi on Aera English, a glossy magazine for English learners.