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Elysium 2013

Most Bizarre Hollywood Dystopias


Elysium 2013

Elysium is a space station for the wealthy, and is off limits to the poor inhabitants of Earth. Earth has become a disgusting hive of corruption and abuse, made all the worse by the overhanging station above.The scary part for all the sick and dying on Earth, there is little hope but Elysium has these medical pods that can cure anything. From cancer to an exploded face, the pods take but a few minutes to cure. That means the rich of Elysium, for some insane reason, must all be the most horrific super villains of all time. There arent many other explanations.


Wall E 2008
Elysium 2013
District 9 2009
RoboCop 1987
Serenity 2005
Daybreakers 2009
Metropolis 1927
V for Vendetta 2005
Total Recall 1990
Nineteen Eighty Four 1984
Equilibrium 2002
The Road 2009
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