life secrets and tips

Cut gluten from your diet
1. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye oats, and barley. Like so many other substances today, gluten is not meant to be put into our bodies. The humans alive at the time that our bodies last experienced major evolution did not consume all of the bread products we now have. .....
Do pushups
2. Pushups are the easiest way to get into an exercise routine and the most complete upper body workout available without weights. Doing 3 sets of pushups until fail every other day is a simple way to tone up your chest, arms, back and abs. If you want to step it up a notch, this website promises to get anyone to be able to complete 100 pushups within 6 weeks. .....
Watch Waking Life
3. Waking Life is a movie about a guy drifting around in a dream world having philosophical conversations with the interesting characters he meets along the way. If you like the articles here on HighExistence, I can guarantee with 100% certainty that you will love this film. .....
Go for walks
4. Whenever you are feeling unmotivated, depressed, angry or [insert crappy emotion here], take a walk. Its a sure fire way to hit the reset button and get back into a positive mindset. Theres something about being in nature, getting some exercise and (most importantly) being present that can get you over any emotional hump. .....
Use StumbleUpon
5. StumbleUpon (SU) is an internet tool that brings you to random sites based upon your interests. You can also specify a particular interest category while also limiting the results to videos, photos, news, blogs, etc. SU is the best way to discover awesome content around the web, much of which you didnt even know you were looking for, As you go through and Thumbs up or thumbs down different web content, SU learns more about your interests and retu .....
Read Ishmael by Daniel Quinn
6. This freakishly fascinating book is best explained best by Wikipedia. It examines mythology, its effect on ethics, and how that relates to sustainability. The novel uses a style of Socratic dialogue to deconstruct the notion that humans are the end product, the pinnacle of biological evolution. It posits that human supremacy is a cultural myth, and asserts that modern civilization is enacting that myth. .....
Practice Stoicism
7. Stoicism is centered around being unaffected by misfortune. A good stoic will recognize that mishaps will inevitable occur so he she is constantly ready and open to experiencing them. Unlike pessimists, Stoics expect bad things to happen only because they recognize this is the nature of reality, and strive to become immune to being demoralized by said misfortunes. .....
Dont compare yourself to others
8. Everyone is born with different strengths and weakness. Otherwise we wouldnt be individuals and how much fun would that be? Consequently dont hold yourself to the standards of others; youll never measure up to everyone. .....
Compare yourself to others
9. Use the success of others as motivation to continue growing and learning. Competition is strong medicine and can be used to your advantage if you dont get too caught up in it. Strive to achieve a balance between #34 and #35. .....
Recognize the duality of every truth
10. As you likely noticed, #34 and #35 contradict each other, and yet both are solid truths. This is an example of how most great truths have some level of duality to them. Life is not absolute; let that apply to your beliefs as well dont be stubborn about them,. .....
Take cold showers
11. Besides waking you up better than anything, cold showers have been proven to improve blood circulation, keep your skin and hair healthy (hot water dries them out) and boost the immune system. For the men, it also increases testosterone levels and is just plain manly. .....
Try to be rejected every day
12. Instead of fearing rejection, make it a daily goal, When you go in with the intention of being told no, the butterflies go away and it becomes easy. This is a fantastic way to pursue more opportunities while becoming unfazed by the big N O. Good applications include asking for phone numbers, job positions, partnerships and advice. Think of all the great things youve missed out on by not asking, .....
Rejoice in not knowing be proud of your ignorance of a topic
13. Knowing everything is overrated. Embrace the areas where you know you are ignorant. When you recognize that someone knows something you dont, use it as a learning opportunity rather than feeling dumb or pretending you know more than you do. .....
Recognize the golden glow of retrospect
14. When you look back at a difficult event in your life, it no longer holds the same oh no, my life is over that you experienced at the time. Even very painful events like deaths, breakups and accidents can be looked at in a positive light in the golden veil of retrospect. If you can assume this perspective in the future looking back, certainly you can apply some aspects of that mindset while going through an event. Learn from your future self looki .....
Resist nothing
15. If you can master this one, you have mastered life. Resistance has many forms but there is a simple test to know if you are in resistance or not. Does this thought make you feel good or bad? You guessed it, if it makes you feel bad then it is a form of resistance. For example, you are driving on the freeway and you miss your exit. Instead of getting angry and wishing you had not missed it, accept your circumstance and laugh about it instead. Mayb .....
Take naps
16. 20 25 minutes is all you need to wake up refreshed without feeling groggy. Taking a quick nap in the evening is a great way to get a burst of motivation and energy for the rest of the night. This is also a great time to try out hypnagogic hallucination #4. .....
Transition to Internet TV
17. If youre still spending your leisure time in front of a TV, consider the new web based streaming options to traditional cable satellite. Services like Apple TV and Roku allow you to stream Netflix, Hulu and tons of other internet entertainment channels to your TV for a fraction of the price. Additionally because you actually have to go through and choose something to watch instead of mindlessly flipping through channels, youll have to think twice .....
Master what you do most often
18. For me that would be typing and navigating around my computer. So I downloaded a typing tutor program and got my words per minute up to 60 (woot,) and have memorized every keyboard shortcut there is. Take the time to become the best you can be at the small things you do most often. You will save yourself loads of time, plus its fun to be really good .....
Figure out the minimum income you need to be free
19. By free I mean able to do what you love without having to slave away at a job all day. I know we all would like the ultimate house with a BMW (M3 for me please,) but wouldnt you rather be from having to do a job you dont LOVE? If you agree with that, a great way to make it more feasible is to calculate exactly how much money you would need per month year to be free. Minimalism is the goal here (If youre having trouble not counting in that BMW, wa .....
Be a source of good on your social network
20. Instead of further inflating these networks full of transient emotions and comments about Lady Gaga, tweet and share content that will bring help other people and spread happiness. Share motivational quotes, inspirational videos and anything else that will improve the lives of those come into contact with your feed. .....
Give your mom a call
21. If youre looking for a way to give someone immense happiness with the least amount of effort, calling your mother is at the top of the list. She loves you 100 times more than you thought you loved that boy girl in 7th grade & getting a call from you would make her day 100 times over. Even if you have no interest in talking to her, pretend that you do for 5 minutes. .....
Memorize something everyday
22. Not only will this leave your brain sharp and your memory functioning, you will also have a huge library of quotes to bust out at any moment. Poetry, sayings and philosophies are your best options. .....
Constantly try to reduce your attachment to possessions
23. Those who are heavy set with material desires will have a lot of trouble when their things are taken away from them or lost. Possessions do end up owning you, not the other way around. Become a person of minimal needs and you will be much more content. .....
Develop an endless curiosity about this world
24. Become an explorer and view the world as your jungle. Stop and observe all of the little things as completely unique events. Try new things. Get out of your comfort zone and try to experience as many different environments and sensations as possible. This world has so much to offer, so why not take advantage of it. .....
Remember peoples names
25. so that they feel appreciated and for your own future benefit when you want something from that person. To do this, say their name back to them when they introduce themselves. Then repeat the name in your head a number of times until you are sure you have it. Continue to use their name in conversation as much as possible to remove any chance of forgetting it. If youre still having trouble, make up a rhyme about their name. Dan the Man or Natalie .....
Smile more often
26. Whenever you get a grin on your face, your brain is releasing serotonin, the happy hormone. Smiling is the natural way to force yourself to be happy. Many people even smile for five minutes straight in the morning to get themselves in a great mood for the day. It is a very powerful tool that is utilized less and less as we grow older and need happiness more than ever. Just remember that while happiness leads to smiles, smiles also lead to happine .....
Drink water
27. Hydration is tremendously important for overall health. Soda has absolutely ZERO nutritional content; its like pouring a punch of sugar and syrup into your cup. Instead, fill it with life replenishing water. It may taste plain at first if youre coming off of a heavy soda drinking streak, but youll soon find yourself addicted to it. 10 glasses per day is optimal, how many have you been getting lately. .....
Think positive thoughts
28. When you find yourself thinking a negative thought, stop it immediately by any means necessary. Slap yourself in the face, yell something positive at the top of your lungs or jump up and down. Do whatever it takes to get back to a positive mindset as such is essential for continual happiness and success. .....
Sleep less
29. Fully adjusting to a new sleep cycle can take up to 21 days so dont give up if you feel tired after switching to 5 hour nights. The required 8 hour night is for normal people. If youre reading THIS article on THIS site, you are not normal. So figure out how much sleep YOU really need and adjust accordingly. As enjoyable as sleep is, waking existence is much more fulfilling and efficient. IF this really sparks your interest, check out alternate sl .....
Figure out what your goals and dreams are
30. So many people wander aimlessly through life simply go for whatever small thing they want moment by moment. Instead, decide what your perfect life consists of and begin to put the steps in motion to reach that place. The most satisfying thing in the world (yes, better than sex, much better) is overcoming a challenge and reaching a goal. We are the happiest when we are growing and working towards something better. .....
31. Anyone who has ever gone anywhere will tell you that traveling is one of the most exciting and life changing activities that you can do. Observing a different culture will expand your mind while making you further appreciate the life you already live. This goes back to becoming an explorer. this world is your jungle so go explore, Who knows, maybe youll find a place you love so much that you decide to move. Imagine the positive repercussions a ne .....
The Rubber Band Method
32. This is the third and final way to rid yourself of negative thoughts (hopefully by now you have figured out that this is very important,). Place a rubber band around your wrist and snap it against your skin anytime a negative thought finds its way into your head. This operant conditioning technique associates a slight pain with negative thoughts like Pavlov associated food salivation with the sound of a bell. Sounds a bit cruel at first but it on .....
Learn to be unaffected by the words of others
33. Most people get very upset when they are called negative names by others, but there is a simple trick to overcoming this. Here it is. If I went up to you and called you a fire hydrant, would you be upset? Of course not. Obviously you are not a fire hydrant, you are a human being. The same concept applies to when someone calls you something that you know you are not. They are foolish for saying such things, so why would you react with such anger? .....
Visualize daily
34. t has been said and proven time and time again that what you focus on is what you get. If you complain all of the time, you will run into more of the things you complain about. The same goes for good things like health, wealth and happiness. So spend some time in the morning imagining yourself achieving whatever it is that you currently desire. Focus is key in this exercise, so choose a quiet environment where you wont be disturbed. If youre havi .....
35. This one is for you workaholics out there (myself included). Yes, work is very important and productive but you need to take some time to chill out everyday or you are going to burn out faster than a candle with no oxygen. Additionally, you need to reward yourself for a job well done. Whats the use of doing all of that work if you cant have a little fun from time to time anyways? .....
Keep your brain sharp
36. The majority of people are stuck in ruts. They go to the same job everyday, hang out with the same friends and eat at the same places. While that may feel safe, its not the most stimulating lifestyle for your brain. Those synapses have been built up enough, so try something that you do NOT know how to do, Buy a model car kit, master the art of sudoku or crosswords, or go pick up another major at your nearest college. The point is you need to be l .....
Do what you love
37. There is a huge difference between making a life and making a living; which one are you making right now? So many spend their entire lives trying to make as much money as possible so that they can afford to do what they really want later. It makes no sense to settle in life until youre 65 so that you can retire and do what you want when youre already WAY past your prime. We only live life once so why wouldnt you want to spend it pursuing your bli .....
Choose your friends wisely
38. You are affected far more than you think by the people you spend your time with. Do your friends share your values? Do they encourage you when you speak of your goals and dreams or do they scoff? Make sure the people around you are conducive to the lifestyle you want to lead or you will find yourself being dragged again and again into behavior that distances you from your desires. Friends with a habit of producing negative thoughts will especiall .....
Dont burn bridges
39. By that I mean maintain your relationships with people even if you think you are never going to see them again. For example, if you are quitting your job, dont chew out your boss before leaving, You might run into him her again later and life and wish you had never severed ties so harshly. You never know when you might need the help of someone you knew in the past. Plus there is already too much hatred in this world, why add more towards the peop .....
Love is all there is
40. If you truly want to be a master of life, let love be in your every action. Love your friends, family and enemies alike. This is the most difficult thing to do out of this entire list, which is why it is listed at #50. But if you accomplish this, you will be seen as a leader among everyone that allows hate, envy, disgust and all other negative emotions into their lives. Think Gandhi. Love is so rare in this world when compared to the massive pres .....
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