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Chemical Peeling

How to Remove Dark Circles Tips


Chemical Peeling

Chemosurgery is commonly known as chemical peeling. It involves a number of chemical agents to treat various skin conditions like hyperpigmentation on the face or body, scars due to acne or wounds and fine wrinkles. Chemical peeling is a nonevasive treatment for dark circle. A chemical peel is generally performed by a dermatologist and anesthesian. Chemical peels helps to rejuvenate the skin around the eyes by exfoliating the damaged upper layer of the skin to reveal a new and healthier skin layer. The latest and the most effective and soothing peels for dark circle is Argi peel which contains arginine, lactic acid, allantoin and aloe vera. Arginine is an amino acid derived from brown sugar which boosts collagen, increases elasticity and moisturises the skin. Lactic acid exfoliates and lightens the skin. Allantoin and aloe vera helps to soothe and regenerate the skin. This is used in conjunction with vitamin C and matrixyl that provides firmness and resistance to the skin around the eye. The skin on the eye lid is very thin, so medium or deep chemical peels are not advised as they have a potential to cause damage to the eye balls. Superficial peels like Glycolic or AHA peels are normally used in such cases, because they are the weakest variant of chemical peels and do not penetrate very deeply.


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