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Know the grounds for a yellow card

How to Play Soccer For Beginners


Know the grounds for a yellow card

A referee issues a yellow card as a warning to a player. Two yellow cards result in a red card, after which that player must leave the game permanently. Reasons for yellow cards include:

  • Dangerous play. High kicking near a player?s head, for example.

  • Illegal obstruction. This happens when a player intentionally takes a position between and an opponent when that player isn t within playing distance of the ball.

  • Charging the goalkeeper in the goal area.

  • Goalkeeper playing the ball with his hands when the ball is kicked by a teammate.

  • Goalkeeper Infringements. Unsafe play such as charging the goalie.

  • Goalkeeper taking more than four steps while controlling the ball.

  • Intentionally wasting time at the end of a game.

  • <

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