
Smilax officinalis syn. S. ornata, S. regelii, S. medica
Sarsaparilla, wild licorice.
Key Uses:
Origin : Native to Central and South America and Jamaica.
Background : Long used medicinally by indigenous tribes in South America, sarsaparilla was introduced to Europe in the 17th century as a cure-all. It was later used to flavor root beer.
Preparation : The dried root is steeped in alcohol, diluted, and succussed.
Remedy Profile : Sarsaparilla is most effective for people who are depressed and anxious, blaming their state of mind on the pain they feel. They tend also to feel the cold.
Sarsaparilla has a strong affinity with the urinary tract. It is prescribed for cystitis characterized by a constant urge to urinate, pain as urination ends, and possibly blood or a sandy or gravelly precipitate in the urine. There may be involuntary dribbling of urine, especially on sitting down, and normal flow may only happen when in a standing position.
Symptoms Better : For standing; for uncovering the neck and chest.
Symptoms Worse : In the spring; for wet and cold weather; for movement; as urination ends; during menstruation.

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