
Amylium nitrosum
Amyl nitrite.
Key Uses:
Origin : Chemically prepared.
Background : A powerful drug that dilates the blood vessels, amyl nitrate is often used in illegal recreational drugs such as “poppers.”
Preparation : Amyl nitrite is dissolved in purified water, diluted, and succussed.
Remedy Profile : Amyl nit. is most appropriate for people who are hot and red, feel constricted by their clothes, and have a desire for fresh air. They may be weak, anxious, restless, and weary, often due to disturbed sleep.
The classic symptom picture is of flushing that spreads rapidly over the skin, followed by drenching sweats and great exhaustion. The remedy may be used for these symptoms in conjunction with menopause, sunstroke, or heart problems.
Typical heart symptoms treated with Amyl nit. include sharp pains in the heart area and a feeling of oppression, with pain radiating down the right arm.
Symptoms Better : For open air; for exercising outside; for rest; for drinking cold water.
Symptoms Worse : For the slightest emotion; for physical or mental exertion; during the menopause.

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