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Smile when you normally wouldnt

Healthy Smiley Face


Smile when you normally wouldnt

Have you been holding back your smile out fear that it will make people wonder about you Smiles attract attention, but its the right kind of attention. As you go about your day, consider ways smiling can make your world a more positive place.Smiling at work or during other professional occasions is not going to make you seem unprofessional. Quite the opposite, a smile will humanize you and make you appear more approachable. People will appreciate your recognition of their worth and of a job well done when you smile.A smile makes you seem real. If youre afraid of appearing vulnerable when you smile, accept that any form of vulnerability suggested by a smile is precisely what makes it such a powerful act. Youre opening yourself up to others and people will respond better to that than to a serious, unmoved demeanor. Moreover, a smile accompanied by an assertive personality will take care of any sense that people will use your smile to walk all over you.


Live a healthy lifestyle
Smiling Makes Us Attractive
Make your smile genuine
Smiling Lowers Your Blood Pressure
Smiling Is Contagious
Stay focused on the positive
Smiling Boosts Your Immune System
Find healthy escapes
Enjoy the many benefits of a smile
Smile when you feel good
Never lose the kid in you
Expect smiling to be difficult in some situations
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