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Shave or groom your hair

Grooming Tips


Shave or groom your hair

Not everyone subscribes to shaving their face, legs or other parts of the body everyday. Only shave your face, legs and armpits if you believe this is necessary. Men can look well groomed with facial hair, but it needs to be controlled and cared for.For ladies it is typically viewed as necessary to shave your legs and armpits to look well groomed. There are many groups challenging this notion because men dont shave these parts and still look well groomed.Do what is right for you. Half of looking well groomed is the confidence around you.If you have sensitive skin, consider shaving less frequently and find a shaving cream made for sensitive skin


Stand up straight
Style your hair ladies
Have your clothes tailored to fit your body
Perfume and cologne
Take a shower everyday
Taking Care of Your Wardrobe
Wear a decent fragrance
Match your belt to your shoes
Clean the hair off your ears and neck
Dress in style
Remember less is more when it comes to fragrance
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