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Dress in style

Grooming Tips


Dress in style

Notice the trends around you by noting what someone wears that strikes you as being well groomed. As a general rule, keep it simple. You dont have to dress up everyday, but you can go a long way by wearing something simple that compliments itself and your body.When you know what works for you, go for it and double up. Dont hesitate if you know something looks good on you.Embrace your shape. Whatever youve got, you can find clothing that accentuates your flattering qualities.Always try thing on before you purchase and get a second opinion.


Stand up straight
Have your clothes tailored to fit your body
Use deodorant
Perfume and cologne
Shave or groom your hair
Brush and floss your teeth daily
Cleanse your face on a regular basis with a facial soap
Use a mirror
Clean the hair off your ears and neck
Keep hair cut and styled
Match your belt to your shoes
Style your hair ladies
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