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Organize A Grandparent Day In Schools

Grandparents Day Celebration


Organize A Grandparent Day In Schools

Starting a Grandparents Day in your local schools is easier than you think. That because once the idea is announced people are always eager to get involved. Form a planning committee consisting of your grandchild, the school principal, teachers, the PTA and assorted community leaders.It is vital that everybody in the school district be excited about their Grandparent Day in the School. Get the ball rolling with your grandchild first.On the eve of Grandparent Day, organize a kickoff dinner with children, parents, grandparents, teachers and community members.Begin GDS with a school assembly. The speaker should give a brief, upbeat, humorous and inspirational talk. When the assembly has concluded, have children give their grandparents a tour of the school. It is best to assign a central room where grandparents and grandchildren can congregate during the day.The day after GDS have teachers question the children about their experience and ask for their input about making GDS even better next year. Once a school has a Grandparent Day in the School it usually turns into an annual event.There are always grandparents who, for one reason another, are unable to attend GDS. The grandchildren of absentee grandparents naturally feel left out when this happens.


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