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Papaver Orientale



Papaver Orientale

Most of the plants of this tribe are distinguished by the splendour of their colours, most of them also are annuals, in gaiety of colour none exceed the present species, but it differs in the latter character, in having not only a perennial root, but one of the creeping kind, whereby it increases very much, and by which it is most readily propagated.
Though a native of the East, as its name imports, it bears the severity of our climate without injury, flowers in May, and as its blossoms are extremely shewy, it gives great brilliancy to the flower garden or plantation, prefers a dry soil.


Camellia Japonica
Ixia Flexuosa
Erica herbacea Herbaceous Heath
Glycine Coccinea
Cistus Formosus
Fumaria Solida
Lantana Aculeata
Mesembryanthemum Dolabriforme Hatchet leavd Fig Marigold
Helleborus Lividus
Zinnia Multiflora
Dodecatheon Meadia Meads Dodecatheon or American Cowslip
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