Kalmia Latifolia
Kalmia Latifolia
Professor Kalm (in honour of whom Linn?us, as before has been observed, named this genus of plants) in his travels into North America, published in English by Mr. Forster, relates that he found this species in various provinces of that extensive continent, as Pensylvania, New Jersey, and New York, growing most commonly on the sides of hills, sometimes in woods, that it flourished most on the northern sides of the hills, especially where they were intersected by rivulets, he observes, that when all the other trees had lost their ornaments, this enlivened the woods by the verdure of its foliage, and that about the month of May, it was covered with a profusion of blossoms of unrivalled beauty.
Kalmia Hirsuta
Cineraria Amelloides
Dianthus Barbatus
Tanacetum Flabelliforme
Narcissus Biflorus
Saxifraga Crassifolia
Colutea Arborescens
Iris Versicolor Particoloured Iris
Passiflora Alata
Iris Persica Persian Iris
Hypericum Coris
Indigofera Candicans
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