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Lathyrus Articulatus



Lathyrus Articulatus

The seed vessels are of the first importance in ascertaining the several species of Lathyrus, some being naked, others hairy, some long, others short, some having a smooth and perfectly even surface, others, as in the present instance, assuming an uneven or jointed appearance.Of this genus we have already figured three annual species, common in flower gardens, viz. odoratus, tingitanus, and sativus, to these we now add the articulatus, not altogether so frequently met with, but meriting a place on the flower border, as the lively red and delicate white so conspicuous in its blossoms, causes it to be much admired.It is a native of Italy, and was cultivated at the Chelsea Garden, in the time of Mr. Rand, anno 1739.It is a hardy annual, requiring support, and rarely exceeding the height of two feet, flowering in July and August, and is readily raised from seeds, which should be sown in the open border at the beginning of April.


Passiflora Ciliata
Lotus Jacobaeus
Narcissus Bulbocodium
Tussilago Alpina
Iris Spuria
Cheiranthus Maritimus
Pulmonaria Virginica
Adonis Vernalis
Saxifraga Sarmentosa
Franklins Tartar
Cactus Flagelliformis Creeping Cereus
Mesembryanthemum Pinnatifidum
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