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Bees dont hibernate in the winter

Facts About Bees You Probably Didnt Know


Bees dont hibernate in the winter

Instead they form a ball in their hives and vibrate to keep warm Thats right icy and cold death will come if they stop vibrating


To produce a single jar of honey
Honey badgers emit smelly suffocating secretions from their anal glands to fumigate hives so bees leave their honey for them
Bees and butterflies like drinking crocodile tears
Harvard University is currently trying to create robotic honey bees since the honey bee population is declining
Bees can be trained to detect bombs
Bees dont hibernate in the winter
You can send live bees to people using the United States Postal Service
Bees dont generally die when they sting
Queen bees can control the sex of their offspring
Honeybees communicate with each other by dancing
Bumble Bees perform small warmup exercises before taking flight
Once the Queen is deemed unfit to serve
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