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So have a go at making a study timetablewith your teen

Exam Tips


So have a go at making a study timetablewith your teen

Thats all Im asking. You can draw it or make it on the computer, it doesnt matter. What is important is that it includes everything your teen has on in an average week of school.
Start by filling in their school hours, then their extracurricular activities, also dinner, and any other commitments they have on during the week.
Then, fill in when theyre going to do extra study. This isnt homework time, this is going over stuff from class time. Last week I talked about the magic hour of study per week. Depending on where your teen is at academically, they may need to do more than this.
Id much rather your teen be consistently doing small chunks of study, than massive chunks sporadically. Doing this will keep them on track throughout the year, and make their exam a million times easier.


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