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Double drape

Different ways to Drap Saree


Double drape

If you love the mumtaj Saree drape but scared of walking in that, then try this double drape look.Again the bottom part remains same leaving longer material for pallu.Now fold 3 by four of the pallu lengthwise and drape it around your waist then go for the second rap this time under right hand and on left shoulder as you do for ulta pallu.Secure with a pin without making a pleats, leave the pallu flow.This draping makes you look slim, and looks especially nice for saree with wide border.This way you can achieve the famous mumtaj saree look and still can walk freely.


Mermaid saree draping style
Half saree style
Northern drape
Kodagu style
Coorgy twist
Oriya touch
Wendell Rodricks Sari Gown
Tamilian version
Bengali saree with twist
Gujarati way
Bengali style
Flower seller style
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