Cricket Kit

The scorer in a cricket match uses a SCOREBOOK, using a special code, to keep track of a cricket game in progress.The scorebook is an essential piece of equipment at a cricket game. The top two rows in the diagram above show how the batters progress is charted by the scorer. Each pitch, or delivery, on which no run is scored, is marked with a dot, or period. When a hit is made, the number of runs scored on the hit is entered on the running score. As a result, when the batter is finally out, it is possible to tally the total number of pitches faced by the batter, and calculate his strike rate, which is the number of runs scored divided by number of pitches faced. The bottom two rows show how a bowlers/ pitchers progress is marked in the scorebook. A dot is entered for every pitch which the batter stops, or leaves alone. When the batter hits the pitch, the runs scored off the pitch are entered in the box. If a pitcher/bowler has bowled a complete over (six pitches) without the batter scoring, it is called a maiden over. . The six dots in that over are marked with an M, so at the end of the game, the Ms for each pitcher/bowler can be added up to see how many maiden (scoreless) overs he has delivered.