benefits of star apple
Star apple
. Star apple also named (Chrysophyllum cainito) may be round to oblate to ellipsoid and 2 to 4 inches in diameter (510 cm). The peel may be redpurple, darkpurple, or palegreen. It is smooth, glossy, and leathery. In purple fruits, the inner rind is dark purple, and in green fruits, white.
known asmean fruit and Chrysophyllum cainito
. Star apple also known as Mean fruit, Chrysophyllum cainito, Caimito or Cainito Star apple also named (Chrysophyllum cainito) may be round to oblate to ellipsoid and 2 to 4 inches in diameter (510 cm). The peel may be redpurple, darkpurple, or palegreen. It is smooth, glossy, and leathery
Star apple tree leaves
. The tree is erect with 830 m tall and has a short trunk of 1m thick. The leaves are evergreen, oval and simple with 26 inches long. The flowers are greenish yellow or purple white with 56 sepals and it has a sweet fragrant smell. The tree has a rapid growth and reaches 20m in height and also it is a self fertile tree.
Purple star apples
. Purple star apples have a thick skin attached to a rind. The rind of this fruit is usually a dark purple color, and the pulp ranges from a light purplish color to white. The dark purple fruit is 612.5mm thick and have soft white milky sweet pulp. The peel may be redpurple, darkpurple, or palegreen. It is smooth, glossy, and leathery. In purple fruits, the inner rind is dark purple, and in green fruits, white.
Yellow star apple
. Yellow variants are most rare of all, but they turn from green to yellow and grow soft when ripe. Select bright, shiny fruits with no bruises or visible damage. The Star apple tree thrives in warm to hot tropical climates and is not very tolerant of cold and frost, particularly in young trees. Most commonly Star apple trees are grown as home trees or in the wild and along roadsides. Commercial production is currently done on a small scale in sout
Availability of Star Apple in India
. Star apples grow in warm temperatures that do not dip below freezing. Caimitos require dry seasons and very rainy wet seasons in order to thrive. Examples of states in India most conducive to growing star apples are Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh Kerala, Goa and Maharashtra. Caimito trees bear fruit in February and March.
Taste of Star Apple
. Caimitos flesh is juicy, milky, and jellolike, similar to a persimmons. The gelatinous flesh near each seed is especially sweet and coconutty. Despite a mildly sweet and agreeable profile, they are not a particularly bold or controversial fruit. In this respect, they resemble fresh figs: pleasant but mellow. Avoid eating the skin, as its bitter and full of unappetizing latex. Indeed, roughly a third of the fruit consists of the inedible rind and
Lose weight
. Eating a serving of star apple contributes 3 g of fiber to the recommended daily intake of 25 to 38 g. Fiber provides bulk to your diet, a factor that can make your stomach feel fuller for longer. This can keep you from eating too much, and it may help you lose weight
Protact in diabetes
. Star apples may have particular benefits for diabetics. Research published in the September 2009 edition of the African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology indicates that the leaves of this fruit may reduce glucose levels in diabetic rabbits, the same function that insulin serves. Take note, however, that consuming star apple leaves appears to have a toxic affect when eaten in large quantities. More research is needed to determine the effectiven
Protact some forms of cancer
. Cancer is more of a type of disease, rather than a single illness, and research suggests that the oxidative damage of free radicals can cause the first abnormal cell that grows into cancer. Exercise, good sleep, and avoidance of risky activity (like smoking), along with a diet including antioxidantrich foods might slow or help prevent the development of cancer. Put some antioxidant power in your corner with Star Power and live better.
Source of calcium
. Star apples serve as a good source of calcium, with each serving providing you with 10 percent of the amount you require each day. The calcium lends strength to your bones and teeth, and it may also lessen symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, such as cramping and abdominal bloating.
Vitamin A
. Star fruit are a source of beta carotenes which when converted into retinol or Vitamin A help in maintaining good vision and appetite. Other polyphenolic antioxidants contained in the fruit act as antimicrobials against E.coli, Klebiesella sp., Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. A single cup of Carambola provides 1 percent each of Vitamin A and E.
Vitamin C
. The high concentration of watersoluble Vitamin C, which is an antioxidant, is found in the Star fruit and helps maintain bones, teeth, skin, and mucous membranes and also boosts the immune systems. Vitamin C also helps aids in lowering the risk of gout and arthritis developing. A single cup of Star fruit provides 37.2 mg of Vitamin C which helps to ward off colds and flu
Vitamin B
. The Carambola also has small amounts of B vitamins like B5 or Pantothenic acid which aid in lowering cholesterol and speeds up wound recovery. Folate or vitamin B9 is essential in preventing birth defects and also in reducing the risk of stroke and heart attacks
Iron and mineral vital
. One serving of star apples serves up 2 percent of the iron, a mineral vital for oxygenating your body, that you need every day. Eating a serving of star apple contributes 3 g of fiber to the recommended daily intake of 25 to 38 g. Fiber provides bulk to your diet, a factor that can make your stomach feel fuller for longer. This can keep you from eating too much, and it may help you lose weight. This nutrient can also help protect you from diabete
Contains 67 calories
. A 1cup serving of fresh star apple contains 67 calories. Eating star apple as a snack is a good choice as the calories are low and it provides no fat; however, this may not be enough calories to ease hunger pains and boost energy levels, as betweenmeal snack are meant to do
. Eating a serving of star apple contributes 3 g of fiber to the recommended daily intake of 25 to 38 g. Fiber provides bulk to your diet, a factor that can make your stomach feel fuller for longer. The star fruit can be round, oblate or ellipsoid 510cm in diameter. It may be redpurple, darkpurple, or palegreen. It gives the feel of a rubber ball when in hand. The glossy, smooth, thin, leathery skin adheres tightly to the inner rind which, in purpl
Folklore Uses
. The star apple is a folk remedy in several countries, although no research exists to confirm these uses. The seeds of this fruit may be useful to reduce fevers and treat diarrhea. Some people also eat this fruit to reduce the inflammation associated with laryngitis and pneumonia. Other uses, including treatment for hypertension, tooth abscesses, heart problems, intestinal issues and cancer exist, but do not eat star apple for any medical conditio
Protact from strokes and heart attacks
. Prevents the buildup of homocysteine which is linked to arthrosclerosis, strokes and heart attacks. There are also trace amounts of Niacin, Thiamine and Riboflavin. The pulp is sweet which surrounds the 6 to 11 gelatinous. The gelatinous are rubbery enclosing the seeds. When cut transversely, you can see the seeds arranged radially from the center. The fruit may have up to 10 flattened seeds which are oval and pointed. The seeds are hard about 2c
Fruit helps lower cholesterol
. The soluble dietary fibre found in the fruit helps lower cholesterol, Star fruit may lower cholesterol levels and add bulk and moisture to feces. The high concentration of watersoluble Vitamin C, which is an antioxidant, is found in the Star fruit and helps maintain bones, teeth, skin, and mucous membranes and also boosts the immune systems. Vitamin C also helps aids in lowering the risk of gout and arthritis developing. A single cup of Star frui
Preventing constipation
. Adds bulk and moisture to faeces keeping the bowel healthy and preventing constipation. The small quantities of potassium help regulate blood pressure levels, iron for red blood cell formation and calcium and magnesium help to fortify bones. The fruit is low in sodium, saturated fat and cholesterol.
Regulate blood pressure levels
. Star apple having small quantities of potassium help regulate blood pressure levels. The zinc found in the fruit is said to be a natural remedy for clearing up acne and oily skin and can be eaten or applied to the skin. The fruit is also said to help with nausea and indigestion and also known to cure hangovers and prickly heat. The fruit is give to nursing mothers as it is believed to stimulate milk flow.
Help to fortify bones
. Star apples serve as a good source of calcium, with each serving providing you with 10 percent of the amount you require each day. The calcium lends strength to your bones and teeth. Sore eyes and sunstroke can also be helped by the application or consumption of star fruit. A decoction of the leaves and roots either prepared separately or in combination, help cure headaches, ringworm and chicken pox.
Clearing up acne
. The zinc found in the fruit is said to be a natural remedy for clearing up acne and oily skin and can be eaten or applied to the skin. The fruit is known to cure hangovers and prickly heat. You can also use the pickled fruit for hangover just take one piece of the pickled fruit, steam in water and serve. The fruit has also been used to treat sore eyes.
Stimulate milk flow
. The fruit is also said to help with nausea and indigestion and also known to cure hangovers and prickly heat. The fruit is give to nursing mothers as it is believed to stimulate milk flow. Star fruit may lower cholesterol levels and add bulk and moisture to feces. A decoction of leaves and roots (prepared separately or in combination) can help cure headaches, ringworm, and chickenpox.
. Sore eyes and sunstroke can also be helped by the application or consumption of star fruit. Star fruit is a small, bushy evergreen tree that grows very well under hot, humid, tropical conditions. The plant bears small lilac color, bellshaped flowers in clusters, which subsequently develop into oblong shaped fruits with characteristic five angled edges (sides or ribs) that appear like a starfish in cross sections.
Cure hangovers and prickly heat
. The fruit is known to cure hangovers and prickly heat. You can also use the pickled fruit for hangover just take one piece of the pickled fruit, steam in water and serve. It also contains small amount of minerals and electrolytes like potassium, phosphorus, and zinc and iron. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure; thus, counters bad influences of sodium.
Some treat diarrhea and dysentery
. Indigenous people have used star apples to remedy a variety of ailments. In the Phillipines, some treat diarrhea and dysentery by brewing a decoction of leaves: a bark decoction heals the same. Other countries use the bitter bark to treat hemorrhages and gonorrhea. A longheld belief by some Cubans is the leafs ability to treat certain cancers.
. Star apples contain a number of healthy antioxidants including quercetin, quercitrin, isoquercitin, myricitrin, catechin, and gallic acid. Some of these antioxidants, such as quercetin, have wellknown health benefits including being anticancerous, antiasthma, and a regulator of metabolism. Antioxidants, in their various forms may help both protect body tissue from oxidative damage(primary anti oxidants) and repair damage already done (secondary a
Fruit salad
. Make a classic Caribbean fruit salad called the holy matrimony: simply mix star apple, oranges, and add a pinch of nutmeg. Create a star apple whip topping by folding in the pulp into any standard coconut whip recipe. Add atop tropical fruit salads like mango, banana, pineapple, and kiwi.
The Good Stuff
. Star Power is pure starfruit juice loaded with the most antioxidant and vitamin C in a single bottle. Live longer, healthier and happier with Star Power. Fresh star fruits are available in two seasons. In Florida, for example, Arkin cultivars are available from December to March. In general, fruits just short of ripening stage are picked up for shipment and storage, since the ripe fruits tend to bruise easily, especially their thin ribbed edges.
Hydrating and Refreshing
. Starfruit juice is refreshing unlike any other natural drink available. Just a sip will cool you down and wipe the sweat off your brow. Another sip and you feel the potent antioxidants putting life in your body again. It is energizing, without being an energy drink. By the third sip, youre hooked, and it is a wonderful day.
Use of Star Apple as a snack
. Use of Star Apple as a snack
Way to serve this fruit
. There is also an attractive way to serve this fruit by cutting
. The tree is seldom felled for timber unless there is a particular need for it. The heartwood is pinkish or redbrown, violet, or darkpurple; finegrained, compact, heavy, hard, strong, tough but not difficult to work; durable indoors but not outside in humid conditions. It has been utilized for heavy construction and for deluxe furniture, cabinetwork and balustrades.
Medicinal Uses
. The ripe fruit, because of its mucilaginous character, is eaten to sooth inflammation in laryngitis and pneumonia. It is given as a treatment for diabetes mellitus, and as a decoction is gargled to relieve angina. In Venezuela, the slightly unripe fruits are eaten to overcome intestinal disturbances. In excess, they cause constipation. A decoction of the rind, or of the leaves, is taken as a pectoral. A decoction of the tanninrich, astringent bar
Very low calorie
. Star apple is one of the very low calorie exotic fruits. 100 g fruit just provides 31 calories, which is much lower than any other popular tropical fruits. Nonetheless, it has an impressive list of essential nutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins required for wellbeing.
Source of beta carotenes
. Star fruit are a source of beta carotenes which when converted into retinol or Vitamin A help in maintaining good vision and appetite. Other polyphenolic antioxidants contained in the fruit act as antimicrobials against E.coli, Klebiesella sp., Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. A single cup of Carambola provides 1 percent each of Vitamin A and E.
Help with nausea and indigestion
. The fruit is also said to help with nausea and indigestion and also known to cure hangovers and prickly heat. The fruit is give to nursing mothers as it is believed to stimulate milk flow. Sour type fruits are favored in cooking as they give unique tart flavor to poultry, meat, and seafood dishes. Cut sections of fresh fruit added in stews, curries, and stirfries with chicken, and fish and shrimp. The fruit can be used to make sauce, pickle, chu
Used to treat sore eyes
. The fruit has also been used to treat sore eyes. The high concentration of watersoluble Vitamin C, which is an antioxidant, is found in the Star fruit and helps maintain bones, teeth, skin, and mucous membranes and also boosts the immune systems. Vitamin C also helps aids in lowering the risk of gout and arthritis developing. A single cup of Star fruit provides 37.2 mg of Vitamin C which helps to ward off colds and flu.
Small amount of minerals and electrolytes
. It also contains small amount of minerals and electrolytes like potassium, phosphorus, and zinc and iron. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure; thus, counters bad influences of sodium. The leaves are alternate, nearly evergreen, elliptic or oblongelliptic, slightly leathery, rich green and glossy on the upper surface, coated with silky, goldenbrown pubescence beneath when matu
Keeping Quality
. Ripe fruits remain in good condition for 3 weeks at 37.4
Pests and Diseases
. Larvae of small insects are sometimes found in the ripe fruits. The, main disease problem in the Philippines is stemend decay caused by species of Pestalotia and Diplodia. In Florida, some fruits may mummify before they are fullgrown. The foliage is subject to leaf spots from attack by Phomopsis sp., Phyllosticta sp., and Cephaleuros virescens, the latter known as algal leaf spot or green scurf.
Food Uses
. Star apples must not be bitten into. The skin and rind (constituting approximately 33% of the total) are inedible. When opening a star apple, one should not allow any of the bitter latex of the skin to contact the edible flesh. The ripe fruit, preferably chilled, may be merely cut in half and the flesh spooned out, leaving the seed cells and core. A combination of the chopped flesh with that of mango, citrus, pineapple, other fruits and coconut w
Star apple flowers
. The fruits are round, purple or green depending upon variety.
Leaves of star apple
. Star fruit is highly sensitive to cold and should therefore not be planted at locations that are likely to get frost during winter.
Whole and cut fruits of star apple
. A decoction of the rind, or of the leaves, is taken as a pectoral. A decoction of the tanninrich, astringent bark is drunk as a tonic and stimulant, and is taken to halt diarrhea, dysentery and hemorrhages, and as a treatment for gonorrhea and catarrh of the bladder. The bitter, pulverized seed is taken as a tonic, diuretic and febrifuge. Cuban residents in Miami are known to seek the leaves in order to administer the decoction as a cancer remedy
Medicinal applications
. Star apple seeds are used in Venezuela as a diuretic and febrifuge. In Cuba, a decoction of the leaves is used as a cancer remedy, while a decoction of the bark is used as an antitussive (cough suppressant). Other uses of the fruit: as a treatment for diabetes. Calcium (10% of our daily body requirement) needed for strong bones and teeth, and may lessen cramps and abdominal pains associated with premenstrual syndrome. Iron (5% of our daily body r
Fruits of star apple
. Star apple is an evergreen tree growing upto 20 m in height.
. The seeds contain 1.2% of the bitter, cyanogenic glycoside, lucumin; 0.0037% pouterin; 6.6% of a fixed oil; 0.19% saponin; 2.4% dextrose and 3.75% ash. The leaves possess an alkaloid, also resin, resinic acid, and a bitter substance. The star apple is an exotic fruit with a tough, inedible skin that ranges in color from green to purple, depending on the stage of ripeness. The tree of this genus is erect, 25 to 100 ft. in length, with a short trun
Perfumes and Notes
. This exotic fruit with a mild exotic fruity milky taste and smell is a quite rare ingredient in perfumes, but with the growing interest of perfumers in fruits we can expect to see it more often in perfume compositions. Usually its used in the top and middles notes, as in Escada Taj Sunset (2011), Versace Versus (2010) and Fuji Flower.
. The generic name is based on Greek words for gold and leaf and refers to the leaves of some species that are often covered with golden hairs underneath. When the fruit is cut transversely, these cut segments present a starlike appearance, giving the tree the common name of star apple. The star apple is an exotic fruit with a tough, inedible skin that ranges in color from green to purple, depending on the stage of ripeness. The tree of this genus
Habitat and Distribution
. C. cainito is a tropical plant and prefers a humid atmosphere with relatively high temperatures throughout the year. In Southeast Asia, it thrives in the lowlands and in areas with a distinct dry season. The tree belongs to the lowlands of Central America and West Indies. It is more or less naturalized at low and medium altitudes from southern Mexico to Panama, and is abundant on the Pacific side of Guatemala. It is frequently cultivated at south
No Compromise on Taste
. Healthy juices need to taste too bland, too tart or just too strange to enjoy. Cranberry, pomegranate or green juice anyone? Or the juice is so sweet that it does more damage than good you may as well eat a handful of sugar for breakfast than orange or apple juice. Star Power, on the other hand is sweet without being too sweet, and healthy without being overwhelming.
History of Star Apple
. Star Apple was introduced before 1901. In southern Vietnam and in Kampuchea it is grown for the fruits, but more for its ornamental value in West Tropical Africa, Zanzibar, and the warmer parts of India. It was introduced into Ceylon in 1802, and reached the Philippines much later, but has become very common there as a roadside tree and the fruit is appreciated.
Ultraviolet radiation and pests
. Ingesting polyphenolic antioxidants
Inoculate Cancer
. Cancer is more of a type of disease, rather than a single illness, and research suggests that the oxidative damage of free radicals can cause the first abnormal cell that grows into cancer. Exercise, good sleep, and avoidance of risky activity (like smoking), along with a diet including antioxidantrich foods might slow or help prevent the development of cancer. Put some antioxidant power in your corner with Star Power and live better.
Reverse Aging
. The difference between getting older and aging is that one is a measure of time, and the other, a measure of the damage our body tissue has taken. Recent science suggests that this damage may be caused by the oxidative stress of free radical in our bodies. Antioxidants, in their various forms may help both protect body tissue from oxidative damage(primary anti oxidants)
Exotic yet Domestic
. Starfruit is grown all over the world, and our agents have sampled the sweet, the tart, the smooth and the pulpy to come up with the perfectly balanced blend for Star Power. Our fruit comes through many layers of quality control right here in the US, and is held to the strictest of standards. We support our farmers by partnering with them to make sure they are paid fairly for their produce, and that we receive only the best, most juicy starfruit.
100 Persent premium starfruit juice
. Star Power is the only 100% premium starfruit juice on the market. Other brands will try to sell you 100% juice mixed with pineapple, pear or another sweet filler impurity. Only Star Power promises you 100% starfruit in every bottle. No additives, no preservatives.