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Whole and cut fruits of star apple

Benefits of Star Apple


Whole and cut fruits of star apple

A decoction of the rind, or of the leaves, is taken as a pectoral. A decoction of the tanninrich, astringent bark is drunk as a tonic and stimulant, and is taken to halt diarrhea, dysentery and hemorrhages, and as a treatment for gonorrhea and catarrh of the bladder. The bitter, pulverized seed is taken as a tonic, diuretic and febrifuge. Cuban residents in Miami are known to seek the leaves in order to administer the decoction as a cancer remedy. Many hightannin plant materials are believed by Latin Americans to be carcinostatic. In Brazil, the latex of the tree is applied on abscesses and, when dried and powdered, is given as a potent vermifuge. Else where, it is taken as a diuretic, febrifuge and remedy for dysentery.


Hydrating and Refreshing
Perfumes and Notes
Fruit helps lower cholesterol
Cure in headaches
Food Uses
Ultraviolet radiation and pests
Vitamin A
History of Star Apple
Medicinal applications
Vitamin C
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