Benefits of Pineapple
61. Strengthens weak bones
One of the benefits of pineapple is that it helps to build healthy bones. Pineapples are rich in manganese, a trace mineral that is needed for your body to build bone and connective tissues. Just one cup of pineapple provides 73% of the daily recommended amount of manganese. The benefits of pineapple can effect the growth of bones in young people and the strengthening of bones in older people.
62. Sinusitis and Bronchitis
Bromelain has been shown helpful for upper respiratory tract infections such as Sinusitis and Bronchitis. Bromelain helps to reducing nasal inflammation and break up the mucus in the nasal, sinus and respiratory area.
63. Blood Clots
Pineapples can help reduce the risk of blood clots due to the bromelain present in the fruit and thereby preventing heart problems. As pineapple stops ripening when picked, choose carefully and dont select one that looks immature. Pineapples can be stored at room temperature; however they spoil easily and should be watched carefully. To keep it longer than a day or two, wrap in a plastic bag and store in the refrigerator for up to five days. If youve cut your pineapple, store unused pieces in the refrigerator in an airtight container and use as soon as possible. They can be frozen, however this will change the flavor so be careful.
64. Antioxidant Protection and Immune Support
Vitamin C is the bodys primary watersoluble antioxidant, defending all aqueous areas of the body against free radicals that attack and damage normal cells. Free radicals have been shown to promote the artery plaque buildup of atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease, cause the airway spasm that leads to asthma attacks, damage the cells of the colon so they become colon cancer cells, and contribute to the joint pain and disability seen in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
65. How to Select
Pineapples that are heavy for their size. While larger pineapples will have a greater proportion of edible flesh, there is usually no difference in quality between a small and large size pineapple. Pineapples should be free of soft spots, bruises and darkened eyes, all of which may indicate that the pineapple is past its prime. Pineapple stops ripening as soon as it is picked, so choose fruit with a fragrant sweet smell at the stem end. Avoid pineapple that smells musty, sour or fermented.
66. Store
Pineapple can be left at room temperature for one or two days before serving. While this process will not make the fruit any sweeter, it will help it to become softer and more juicy. Yet, as they are very perishable, you should still watch them closely during this period to ensure that they do not spoil. After two days, if you are still not ready to consume the pineapple, you should wrap it in a plastic bag and store it in the refrigerator where it will keep for a maximum of three to five days.
67. Individual Concerns
Pineapple is not a commonly allergenic food, is not known to contain measurable amounts of oxalates or purines and is also not included in the Environmental Working Groups 2010 report Pesticides in Produce as one of the 12 foods most frequently containing pesticide residues. In fact, pineapple is often used as a fruit in allergy avoidance diets partly for these reasons, and for its bromelain (digestive enzyme) component.
68. Nutritional Profile
Pineapple is an excellent source of vitamin C and manganese. It is also a very good source of copper and a good source of vitamin B1, vitamin B6, dietary fiber, folate, and pantothenic acid.
69. InDepth Nutritional Profile
The nutrients highlighted in our ratings chart, an indepth nutritional profile forPineappleis also available. This profile includes information on a full array of nutrients, including carbohydrates, sugar, soluble and insoluble fiber, sodium, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids and more.
70. Pineapple Juice Improves Digestion
The enzyme bromelain present in Pineapple is useful in digestion and ensure neutralization of acids. Bromelain breaks down protein into simpler form and promotes digestion. It regulates pancreas secretion to aid in digestion process. Besides natural digestion aids, bromelain encourages healing of wounds, reduce pain in arthritis. Bromelain also helps in treatment of indigestion and acts as antiinflammatory agent.
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