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Blood Clots

Benefits of Pineapple


Blood Clots

Pineapples can help reduce the risk of blood clots due to the bromelain present in the fruit and thereby preventing heart problems. As pineapple stops ripening when picked, choose carefully and dont select one that looks immature. Pineapples can be stored at room temperature; however they spoil easily and should be watched carefully. To keep it longer than a day or two, wrap in a plastic bag and store in the refrigerator for up to five days. If youve cut your pineapple, store unused pieces in the refrigerator in an airtight container and use as soon as possible. They can be frozen, however this will change the flavor so be careful.


For Hydrated Radiant Skin
Vitamins and Minerals
Sinusitis and Bronchitis
Individual Concerns
Nutritional Profile
Treats Intestinal Worms
Pineapple Juice Improves Digestion
Better skin
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