Benefits of Pears
61. Vitamin K
Drinking pear juice boosts your intake of vitamin K, also called phylloquinone. Vitamin K helps maintain healthy bones as you age. It promotes the healthy growth of new bone tissue, decreasing your risk of developing bone fractures due to osteoporosis later in life, according to the Linus Pauling Institute. It also helps you form blood clots to prevent blood loss after injury. One cup of pear juice contains approximately 13.3 micrograms of phylloquinone, 11 and 15 percent of the recommended vitamin K intake for men and women, respectively.
62. Vitamin C
Orange and grapefruit juices have a reputation as cold fighters due to their vitamin C content, but pear juice also provides a source of this nutrient. Pears
63. Copper
Healthy hair and skin rely on your intake of copper, and drinking pear juice provides a source of this trace mineral. Copper makes up a part of melanin, the pigment that gives your skin and hair their color and provides natural protection from the sun. It also nourishes your nervous system and helps support nerve function. One cup of pear juice provides 243 of the 900 micrograms of copper you require daily, according to the Linus Pauling Institute more than the 132 micrograms supplied by one serving of whole pear.
64. Juicing Ideas and Considerations
Pear juice
65. Macronutrients in Pears
Pear juice contains 386 calories per 1cup serving. As a snack or addition to a light meal, however, this is still a lowcalorie option. A 1cup serving of pear juice is virtually fat free, with only 0.64 grams of total fat. It has a minimal amount of protein, 1.66 grams, and contains almost 400 grams of water.
66. Potassium Content and Its Benefits
An essential mineral to your wellbeing, potassium builds proteins and muscle in your body. Your body also requires it to break down carbohydrates into glucose. As an electrolyte, it regulates the electrical activity in your heart as well as maintaing the acidbase balance. The recommended dietary intake of potassium is 4,700 milligrams per person. A 1cup serving of pear juice has 534 milligrams of potassium, over 11 percent of your RDI.
67. A Natural Antioxidant Vitamin C
A natural antioxidant, vitamin C protects your body from damage from free radicals produced as your body breaks down food and toxins such as radiation and exhaust fumes. Excess exposure to free radicals or toxins can speed up the aging process as well as potentially cause cell death and damage to your DNA. In turn, this increases your risk of developing cancer or heart disease. Used in the production of collagen, Vitamin C helps maintain skin, tendon, ligament, blood vessel, cartilage, bones and teeth. It also helps with scar tissue production.
68. The Clotting Vitamin
Sometimes called the
69. Protection from PostMenopausal Breast Cancer
Pears are rich in fiber. Consuming large amount of fiber, especially cereal fiber such as pears, reduce the risk of breast cancer. Women who have taken hormone replacement and have consumed lots of fibers have significantly lowered their risk of breast cancer by 50 percent.
70. Pulmonary Disease
Eating pears improves lung function and reduce Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease symptoms such as breathlessness and coughing. The pear, contains no Sodium, a mineral that tends to retain water within the body, thus, increasing blood pressure. The pear
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