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The Sweet Cliff

Benefits of Lychees


The Sweet Cliff

The Sweet Cliff fruit is commonly small compared to its wellknown cousins, the Brewster as well as Mauritius varieties. The fruit is great flavored as well as the trees are usually slow developing having a smaller sized habit of development. Sweet Cliff trees are normal amongst enthusiasts of various types; however this is not really a industrial fruit.Sweet Cliff is really a little pink fruit which has a pebbly covering. The fruit is of excellent eating quality; however the tree is an additional alternate bearer. Its really a comparatively wellknown cultivar; however it is not grown much any longer because of the accessibility to exceptional types.


Aids digestion
Increase Metabolism
Health Benefits of eating Lychee
Prevents growth of cancer cells
Acts as an Aphrodisiac
Weight loss
The Brewster lychee
Cures Constipation
Lychee Fun Facts
Vitamin C
Fight colds and sore throat and boost up the immune system
Increase Blood formation
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