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Ruby Red

Benefits of Grapefruits


Ruby Red

The Red grapefruit, starting with the Ruby Red, has even become a symbolic fruit ofTexas, where white inferior grapefruit were eliminated and only red grapefruit were grown for decades.[citation needed]Using radiation to trigger mutations, new varieties were developed to retain the red tones which typically faded to pink, the Rio Red variety is the current (2007) Texas grapefruit with registered trademarks Rio Star and RubySweet, also sometimes promoted as Reddest and Texas Choice. The Rio Red is amutation bredvariety which was developed by treatment of bud sticks with thermal neutrons. Its improved attributes of mutant variety are fruit and juice color, deeper red, and wide adaptation.


Consumption Tips
Protection against Colon Cancer
Good Source of Potassium
Nutritional Benefits
Nutritional Profile
Anti inflammatory and Antiseptic
Combat Oily Skin
Limonoids Promote Optimal Health
Prevents Arthritis and Works as an Antiseptic
Grapefruit Lowers Cholesterol
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