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Pure and concentrated form

Benefits of Fenugreek Seeds and Leaves


Pure and concentrated form

Fenugreek oil is often sold in oil blends which use carrier oils like olive oil and sesame oil to dilute it; occasionally, other essential oils like cinnamon oil are added. Users typically apply the oil mixture with an eye dropper. The standard dosage is five to seven drops delivered sublingually. For convenience, undiluted fenugreek oil is also sold in capsules containing daily doses of 500 mg to 1,200 mg. Some tea drinkers pierce the capsules to add fenugreek oil to white or green tea.


Cure acid reflux or heartburn
Prevent colon cancer
Cure for Skin Inflammation
Sexuality and Pregnancy
Methi in Your Regular Diet
Protects from Cancer
Good source of roughage
Skin irritation
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