Benefits of Chives
1. Chives
Chives are part of the allium family of vegetables and herbs, which also includes garlic, scallions, onions and leeks. Allium vegetables have been cultivated for centuries for not only their characteristic, pungent flavors but also for their medicinal properties.
2. Nutritional breakdown of chives
Chives are a nutrientdense food, meaning that while they are low in calories they are high in beneficial nutrients like vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Chives are a nutrientdense food, meaning that while they are low in calories they are high in beneficial nutrients like vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
3. Help for Cancer
Allium vegetables have been studied extensively in relation to cancer, especially stomach and colorectal cancers. Their beneficial and preventative effects are likely due in part to their rich organosulfur compounds.
4. Prostate cancer
Researchers used a populationbased, casecontrolled study to investigate the relationship between allium vegetable intake and prostate cancer. They found that men with the highest intake of allium vegetables had the lowest risk for prostate cancer.
5. Esophageal and stomach cancer
Chives has been inversely related with the risk of esophageal and stomach cancer. Several surveybased human studies have demonstrated the potential protective effects of consuming alliums, as well as reports of tumor inhibition following administration of allium compounds in experimental animals.
6. Sleep and mood
The choline in chives is an important nutrient that helps with sleep, muscle movement, learning and memory. Choline also helps to maintain the structure of cellular membranes, aids in the transmission of nerve impulses, assists in the absorption of fat and reduces chronic inflammation. Folate, also found in chives, may help with depression by preventing an excess of homocysteine from forming in the body, which can prevent blood and other nutrients from reaching the brain.
7. Chives are very low in calories
100 g of fresh leaves provide just 30 calories. Nonetheless, they contain many noteworthy flavonoid antioxidants, plant fiber, minerals, and vitamins that have proven health benefits. chives, an indepth look at the possible health benefits of consuming chives and discusses ways to incorporate more chives into your diet.
8. Bone Strength
Chives are a rich source of vitamin K, according to Spang. The vitamin is important for longterm bone health, according to Danya Epstein, naturopathic physician and resident at Bastyr Center for Natural Health. Vitamin K assists the regulation of cells that help to prevent bone demineralization.
9. Antioxidants
Chives also contain carotenes, zeaxanthin and lutein, which help protect against lung and oral cancers. This help protect against cancers in the breast, colon, prostate, ovaries, endometrium and lungs. chives is a great way to add flavor to a dish without adding extra calories, fat or sodium.
10. Nutrients
Chives contain a host of other nutrients important for a healthy diet. This includes potassium, iron and calcium, vitamins A and C, folate, niacin, riboflavin and thiamin. As a rich source of vitamin C, chives may alleviate a stuffy nose and colds, and folk remedies recommend it for such.
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