Benefits of Cauliflower
71. Caution
Cauliflower has a natural occurring substance known as purine. When purine is broken down, it forms into uric acid so an excessive intake of purine can lead to an increased level of uric acid in the body. Though purine is commonly found in human, there are individuals who have purinerelated problems like gout or kidney stones formation. It is advisable for them to limit intake of cauliflower.
72. Cruciferous vegetables
Cauliflower and broccoli belong to the group of plants known as cruciferous vegetables. Along with cabbage, Brussels sprouts and turnips, these crunchy, colorful vegetables contain healthful compounds that may help fight cancer. You can eat broccoli and cauliflower raw, steamed, stirfried or cooked in casseroles. When shopping for these vegetables, choose firm heads with tightly closed buds, or opt for frozen broccoli or cauliflower.
73. Vitamins
Broccoli and cauliflower are both good sources of vitamin C. According to the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, a half cup of chopped, cooked broccoli contains as much vitamin C as a half cup of orange juice. A halfcup serving of cauliflower provides 45 percent of the recommended daily allowance of Vitamin C. Broccoli also contains vitamin A in the form of beta carotene.
74. Minerals
Broccoli contains 89 milligrams of calcium per halfcup serving, making it a good source of this essential mineral for vegans and others who cant or dont consume milk products. Broccoli also contains folic acid and iron. Cauliflower contains potassium, a mineral essential for muscle and bone development.
75. Inhibited the growth of breast tumors
Cauliflower, broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables contain compounds known as isothiocyanates, which inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Researchers at the University of California, Berkley, reported that isothiocyanates inhibited the growth of breast tumors in humans. A study by L.J. Wang and other researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health, reported in Cancer Causes & Control, found that people whose genetic makeup made them more likely to develop lung cancer were less likely to develop the cancer if they ate cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower.
76. Low in Calories
Cauliflower and broccoli provide a lot of nutrition for very few calories. Broccoli has only 23 calories per halfcup serving, while a half cup of cooked cauliflower contains only 15 calories. Both vegetables are fat free and sodium free. A dry and itchy scalp may also be the result of the body lacking in one of these essential nutrients. All these factors can help you to get a solution that you might be looking for your hair problems.
77. Glucosinolates
Both broccoli and cauliflower contain glucosinolates compounds containing sulfer that are found only in cruciferous vegetables. Eating glucosinolates might help lower your risk of cancer, according to the Linus Pauling Institute. While the mechanisms by which these compounds prevent cancer is not yet fully understood, the compounds might help remove or neutralize carcinogens or affect your bodys hormone levels to prevent hormonerelated cancers, or they might simply change how your cells grow to prevent the uncontrolled growth seen in cancer. The Linus Pauling Institute recommends eating at least five weekly servings of cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli and cauliflower, to reap their cancerfighting benefits.
78. Vitamin C
Broccoli and cauliflower both contain vitamin C. Your body needs vitamin C to maintain a range of tissues. Without sufficient vitamin C, you cannot produce the structural protein collagen, leading to a breakdown of your blood vessel, skin, tooth and bone tissue. A diet rich in vitamin C might also help reduce your risk of heart disease, according to the Linus Pauling Institute. Adult men and women require 90 and 75 milligrams of vitamin C, respectively. A 1cup serving of chopped broccoli contains 81.2 milligrams of the vitamin, while an equivalent serving of cauliflower contains 51.6 milligrams.
79. Vitamin K
Add more cauliflower and broccoli to your diet to boost your vitamin K or phylloquinone intake. Vitamin K plays a role in bone development, helping your bone cells produce proteins required for the formation of new mineralized bone tissue. Its primary role in your body, however, involves clot formation. Vitamin K represents one of several compounds essential to the coagulation cascade, the series of chemical reactions required to stimulate the formation of a blood clot. Individuals with vitamin K deficiency bleed excessively after injury and develop spontaneous bleeding and bruising, since the low levels of vitamin K in their systems prevent proper clot formation. A cup of chopped cauliflower contains 16.6 micrograms of vitamin K, while a cup of broccoli contains 92.5 micrograms.
80. Getting More Broccoli and Cauliflower
Steaming fresh broccoli and cauliflower represents one simple and healthy way to increase your intake, but these vegetables also complement a range of dishes. Blend the cooked vegetables into pasta sauce to increase its nutrient content, or combine pureed broccoli and cauliflower with water, olive oil and fresh grated Parmesan cheese for a nutrientpacked and quicktoprepare soup. Alternatively, dip raw broccoli and cauliflower into hummus for a healthy snack.
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