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Friendship Compatibility between Cancer and Pisces



Friendship Compatibility between Cancer and Pisces

Cancer and Pisces
- Friendship Compatibility Profile :

When Cancer and Pisces form a friendship, it's usually a positive meeting of the minds and spirits. Cancer is a self-starter, and Pisces is easily energized by Cancer's ideas. Both Signs are basically tolerant and sympathetic. Pisces can teach Cancer to appreciate and instill creativity and spirituality into their choices. In turn, Cancer can help Pisces put their utopian theories into practice. This friendship can enjoy an amazingly strong and multifaceted bond.
Cancer admires and appreciates. Cancer is interested in material comforts and a rich home, and at times cannot understand the simplistic, spartan attitude of Pisces. Their goals can be very different when it comes to their life's aspirations. Once they can understand and overcome this difference, theirs will be a very warm friendship.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. When the Moon and Neptune come together, an almost spiritual connection can be made. Both of these celestial bodies vibrate with feminine energy. Together, they represent an idealistic friendship that borders on the divine. Pisces is also ruled by Jupiter. This adds a masculine energy to the combination and represents philosophy, expansion and excesses. The nature of this planetary combination offers a utopian connection, one that is heavy with emotion. However, Cancer must be careful not to cramp the floating Fish, as Pisces will suffocate under too many demands on their time and attentions.
Cancer and Pisces are both Water Signs. Generally they're very compatible, as Water is a tangible, physical entity, and both appreciate this property. Pisces is born to connect mankind, and when they come together with Cancerian intuition and nurturing, there is no stronger bond. Things they do together could be substantial and beneficial, imbued with a sympathy for the Earth and for humanity. In turn, Cancer has a stable view of life but still understands the emotional ambiguity of Pisces. Cancer can help Pisces stabilize their ephemeral nature. Cancer may grow impatient with Pisces' instability, and Pisces may in turn feel that Cancer is self-centered and negative. It will be easy for these friends to find a compromise, though, and to move forward when they share a goal.
Cancer is a Cardinal Sign, and Pisces is a Mutable Sign. Cancer wants to get things started, while Pisces likes to float from idea to idea as the feeling takes them. Cancer needs to give Pisces some degree of freedom and not get too clingy. Pisces can show Cancer that completion is sometimes better than initiation, and that compromise without struggle can pay off. Cancer and Pisces feed off of each other's energy well.
The best aspect of the meeting of Cancer and Pisces minds is the similar emotional nature the two Signs share. Both have a great capacity as teacher and student, and they complement and harmonize with one another very well. The overall empathy and commitment these two signs value in a all their friendships is what will keep the ties durable between the Crab and Fish.


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