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Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19):
Headwork is the chief factor of this sign. Persons born under Aries are keen, creative and highly adaptive but they are also impetuous and headstrong. This is accentuated by the governing planet, Mars, which adds an aggressive touch to an already active and ambitious nature. Their incessant drive gets them off to a good start on any project but they are apt to become diverted and scatter their further effort. Though quick to anger, Aries people often calm easily. They are naturally humorous and quick of wit. They enjoy music and entertainment. They say the right thing at the right time and as students, they are often keen and have the ability of applying whatever they learn to good advantage. Aries people like new things and have a way of rousing and swaying other persons to work along with them. There is a strong ego in the Aries nature, which causes them to become visionary and idealistic, thereby rising to positions of importance and esteem.

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20):
Strength is the dominating feature of this sign. With it, however, there is a stubborn, firm-set nature that is difficult to change. The governing planet, Venus, emotional and fraught with primitive urge, furthers these Taurian trends rather than repressing them. At the same time, it accounts for the sympathetic side of this strong willed nature. Taurus people are won over through emotion rather than by reason. Taurus persons are opportunists but they take what comes along rather than going after it. They absorb ideas and retain them, due to the remarkable memory so often found with persons of this sign. Being practical minded, they plan ahead and usually carry their purposes through to a finish. By then, they regard any ideas that they have borrowed as being something all their own. Their generosity is genuine and when they make money, they are liberal with it, particularly among friends.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 20):
Adaptability is the keynote of this sign. Gemini people are not only versatile, they are quick to grasp situations and will act on the spur of the moment, often very effectively. The governing planet, Mercury, is a strong factor in the ""act now, explain later"" policy so prevalent with this sign but Gemini persons are so naturally adaptable to any turn of affairs, that they frequently come up with answers during the course of action. Duality of nature is a concomitant of the Twin sign and while cases of split personality are comparatively rare, the Gemini mind runs to contradictions. When they go to such extremes, they manage to make their policy sound plausible, at least to their own satisfaction. As well as being imaginative, they are generous and affectionate but their frequent desire for a change makes them dissatisfied with existing conditions. They are clever, witty and have an easy way of covering or excusing their faults, without ever intending to correct them.

Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22):
Here we find people who are tried and true, who cling to tradition as though they were part of it. Yet their moods and even their purposes may become as changeable as the sign's ruling planet, the Moon. This self-contradiction is understandable, when recognized as part of the individual's innate nature. These people are home loving, fond of family life and domestic tranquility but they also enjoy travel and adventure. They love the past and sometimes practically live in it, which accounts for the way they seek the new, yet always come back to the old. Persons born under this sign are very sensitive, though they frequently din not show it. Argument wears them down, criticism hurts them and crablike, they crawl into their shells. Though strongly conservative, they are fond of amusements and social life. These people are frequently vivacious and are humanitarians as well, devoting themselves to worthy causes.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22):
This is the sign of exuberance, denoting powerful personality and born leadership. Both ambition and idealism are present under Leo, for the brilliance of this sign reflects the grandeur of the governing planet, the Sun. But Leo, as well as being high-minded, can be high-handed. When persons of this type fall victims to their own shortcomings, the result can prove disastrous. Worse, it is usually not noticeable until after the crash. There is little of the negative in Leo. That is what makes this sign deceptive and sometimes deceitful. Leo people are impulsive, generous, and brave, quick to follow their own intuition. Their success is furthered by their own marked influence upon all persons that they meet, often winning over those who oppose them by their sheer magnetic qualities. Leo people insist on charting their own course and do so with an inherent vigor.

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22):
This is the sign of analysis. Under it are found some of the most capable and yet most difficult personalities in the entire zodiac. The governing planet, Mercury, may be the cause of this, for it supplies quickness to a nature which could well afford to be more deliberate and given to deeper purposes. Added to the keen Virgo mind, it produces good reasoners and convincing talkers, though they are apt to spend too much time over trifling details and also talk a subject dry. Virgo people have inquiring minds that will not rest until they have learned all they want to know about something. They are skilled at drawing information from people, then filling in from other sources or rationalizing facts into a complete and remarkably accurate picture. Often they pick up essential data without anyone realizing what they are about. Along with keen analysis they have remarkable memories.

Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22):
This is the sign of justice, indicative of persons who balance everything to a nicety, always trying to promote good will and friendship, even if they must go to extremes to do so. This is actuated by their inherent love of harmony and beauty, as reflected by the beneficent gleam of the sign's ruling planet, Venus. Sympathy and understanding are paramount with Venus. They are never deaf to an appeal from family or friends and they will often side with total strangers if they seem to represent a deserving cause. The Libra person tends to champion the underdog, even against their sounder judgement. Again this seems due to their urge to equalize matters and produce harmony. Intuition is a guiding force with Libra and often enables them to ferret out deceit and insincerity, no matter how much it is glossed over. Though imitative in conduct, they are original in ideas and often quite farsighted because of their intuitive qualities.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21):
Here is the sign of bold enterprise, a fearless nature guided by selfcontrol and confidence but geared for action when the time demands. The governing planet, Mars, provides the power with which this sign is packed, denoting the will to surmount all obstacles. Scorpio people are quiet, even secretive in manner, yet highly observant. Once roused to action, they are determined, aggressive and dominant, always ready to champion a cause. When they work for the good of others, they rise to great heights and are much respected, but Scorpio people, always well satisfied with themselves, can become domineering and arrogant. When seeking reform, they show little mercy toward those who oppose them and it is not uncommon for Scorpio folks to stretch a point and justify their actions regardless of honest opposition. Scorpio people are blunt, argumentative and natural fighters but their coolness under fire deceives the opposition and adds to the Scorpio strength.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21):
Activity is the keynote of this sign and while the persons born under it are often capable in many ways, they have the faculty if concentrating upon the project of immediate importance. Like the bowmen, they aim for their target and are apt to score a hit. Add to that a cheerful, happy disposition, stemming from the governing planet, Jupiter, and Sagittarius has the makings of an excellent sign. However, there are pitfalls. Their natural energy which gains such good results can be wasted through over zeal or the feverish excitement that too often accompanies their work. Sagittarians wear themselves out in their anxiety to get things done therefore they should seek projects worthy of their efforts, offering rewarding prospects. Being workers, not seekers, these people can accomplish twice as much as others and will apply themselves to charitable or helpful causes with the same energy that they devote to their own aims.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan19):
This is the scholarly, intellectual sign, producing deep thinkers and philosophers, yet with it, Capricorn people apply themselves to practical things. This aspect helps them shake off the gloomy moods caused by their governing planet, Saturn. As a result, Capricorns are generally regarded as extremists, though often they are simply striving to strike a proper balance. These people are calm and deliberate in method and action. They approach new subjects in a scholarly fashion and instinctively try to increase their range of knowledge. They are good organizers as well as philosophers and they like to think things out alone. Here, they show the Saturnian love of solitude, which is good when practically applied, but should be avoided if it produces morbid trends. Capricorns have something resembling a psychic sense and are often quite aware of it.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18):
This has been styled the humanitarian sign because many persons born under Aquarius dedicate themselves to causes, take on great missions and advance the affairs of humanity in general. Their governing planet, Saturn, supplies them with a reticence or natural reserve which enables them to accomplish things in a quite, surprising way. It also has a studious influence and helps to endow them with fine and useful memories. Primarily, Aquarians are simple, unassuming persons. They absorb knowledge readily and show a frank and friendly attitude that makes them popular. They often like to be alone but not for morbid reasons. They use solitude to concentrate on new ideas and to make important decisions. Also, much of their real work is done when they are by themselves. Aquarians who develop the honesty and kindly sentiments of this sign will attain great heights.

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20):
Here is the most modest and unassuming sign of the zodiac. Pisces people acquire knowledge, then fail to show it, often regarding it of little consequence and believing that other people who brag about their ability must actually know more than they do. Their governing planet, Jupiter, has much to do with this, for it endows these Pisces people with a nature so generous that it becomes overly trusting. Because of their unselfish dispositions, persons of this sign fail to realize their own possibilities. The greater their honesty, the more doubtful they become as to their own ability. This produces fear of the future, which in turn causes them immediate worry. Hence, Pisces people are perhaps the most cautious of all, where their own efforts are concerned. But, thanks to their jovial dispositions, people of this sign ride over deep troubles almost as trifles.

Astrology Aries
Astrology Taurus
Astrology Gemini
Astrology Cancer
Astrology Leo
Astrology Virgo
Astrology Libra
Astrology Scorpio
Astrology Sagittarius
Astrology Capricorn
Astrology Aquarius
Astrology Pisces
Astrology Aries - Detailed Profile
Astrology Taurus - Detailed Profile
Astrology Gemini - Detailed Profile
Astrology Cancer - Detailed Profile
Astrology Leo - Detailed Profile
Astrology Virgo - Detailed Profile
Astrology Libra - Detailed Profile
Astrology Scorpio - Detailed Profile
Astrology Sagittarius - Detailed Profile
Astrology Capricorn - Detailed Profile
Astrology Aquarius - Detailed Profile
Astrology Pisces - Detailed Profile
Aries Personalities Profile
Taurus Personalities Profile
Gemini Personalities Profile
Cancer Personalities Profile
Leo Personalities Profile
Virgo Personalities Profile
Libra Personalities Profile
Scorpio Personalities Profile
Sagittarius Personalities Profile
Capricorn Personalities Profile
Aquarius Personalities Profile
Pisces Personalities Profile
Aries Positive Side
Taurus Positive Side
Gemini Positive Side
Cancer Positive Side
Leo Positive Side
Virgo Positive Side
Libra Positive Side
Scorpio Positive Side
Sagittarius Positive Side
Capricorn Positive Side
Aquarius Positive Side
Pisces Positive Side
Aries Negative Side
Taurus Negative Side
Gemini Negative Side
Cancer Negative Side
Leo Negative Side
Virgo Negative Side
Libra Negative Side
Scorpio Negative Side
Sagittarius Negative Side
Capricorn Negative Side
Aquarius Negative Side
Pisces Negative Side
Aries and Work
Taurus and Work
Gemini and Work
Cancer and Work
Leo and Work
Virgo and Work
Libra and Work
Scorpio and Work
Sagittarius and Work
Capricorn and Work
Aquarius and Work
Pisces and Work
Aries - Inner Self
Taurus - Inner Self
Gemini - Inner Self
Cancer - Inner Self
Leo - Inner Self
Virgo - Inner Self
Libra - Inner Self
Scorpio - Inner Self
Sagittarius - Inner Self
Capricorn - Inner Self
Aquarius - Inner Self
Pisces - Inner Self
How Others See Aries
How Others See Taurus
How Others See Gemini
How Others See Cancer
How Others See Leo
How Others See Virgo
How Others See Libra
How Others See Scorpio
How Others See Sagittarius
How Others See Capricorn
How Others See Aquarius
How Others See Pisces
Aries Romantic Profile
Taurus Romantic Profile
Gemini Romantic Profile
Cancer Romantic Profile
Leo Romantic Profile
Virgo Romantic Profile
Libra Romantic Profile
Scorpio Romantic Profile
Sagittarius Romantic Profile
Capricorn Romantic Profile
Aquarius Romantic Profile
Pisces Romantic Profile
Aries Friendship Profile
Taurus Friendship Profile
Gemini Friendship Profile
Cancer Friendship Profile
Leo Friendship Profile
Virgo Friendship Profile
Libra Friendship Profile
Scorpio Friendship Profile
Sagittarius Friendship Profile
Capricorn Friendship Profile
Aquarius Friendship Profile
Pisces Friendship Profile
Aries in Romance
Taurus in Romance
Gemini in Romance
Cancer in Romance
Leo in Romance
Virgo in Romance
Libra in Romance
Scorpio in Romance
Sagittarius in Romance
Capricorn in Romance
Aquarius in Romance
Pisces in Romance
Aries in Relationship
Taurus in Relationship
Gemini in Relationship
Cancer in Relationship
Leo in Relationship
Virgo in Relationship
Libra in Relationship
Scorpio in Relationship
Sagittarius in Relationship
Capricorn in Relationship
Aquarius in Relationship
Pisces in Relationship
Aries in Love
Taurus in Love
Gemini in Love
Cancer in Love
Leo in Love
Virgo in Love
Libra in Love
Scorpio in Love
Sagittarius in Love
Capricorn in Love
Aquarius in Love
Pisces in Love
What Aries Needs
What Taurus Needs
What Gemini Needs
What Cancer Needs
What Leo Needs
What Virgo Needs
What Libra Needs
What Scorpio Needs
What Sagittarius Needs
What Capricorn Needs
What Aquarius Needs
What Pisces Needs
Friendship Compatibility between Aries and Aries
Friendship Compatibility between Aries and Taurus
Friendship Compatibility between Aries and Gemini
Friendship Compatibility between Aries and Cancer
Friendship Compatibility between Aries and Leo
Friendship Compatibility between Aries and Virgo
Friendship Compatibility between Aries and Libra
Friendship Compatibility between Aries and Scorpio
Friendship Compatibility between Aries and Sagittarius
Friendship Compatibility between Aries and Capricorn
Friendship Compatibility between Aries and Aquarius
Friendship Compatibility between Aries and Pisces
Friendship Compatibility between Taurus and Taurus
Friendship Compatibility between Taurus and Gemini
Friendship Compatibility between Taurus and Cancer
Friendship Compatibility between Taurus and Leo
Friendship Compatibility between Taurus and Virgo
Friendship Compatibility between Taurus and Libra
Friendship Compatibility between Taurus and Scorpio
Friendship Compatibility between Taurus and Sagittarius
Friendship Compatibility between Taurus and Capricorn
Friendship Compatibility between Taurus and Aquarius
Friendship Compatibility between Taurus and Pisces
Friendship Compatibility between Gemini and Gemini
Friendship Compatibility between Gemini and Cancer
Friendship Compatibility between Gemini and Leo
Friendship Compatibility between Gemini and Virgo
Friendship Compatibility between Gemini and Libra
Friendship Compatibility between Gemini and Scorpio
Friendship Compatibility between Gemini and Sagittarius
Friendship Compatibility between Gemini and Capricorn
Friendship Compatibility between Gemini and Aquarius
Friendship Compatibility between Gemini and Pisces
Friendship Compatibility between Cancer and Cancer
Friendship Compatibility between Cancer and Leo
Friendship Compatibility between Cancer and Virgo
Friendship Compatibility between Cancer and Libra
Friendship Compatibility between Cancer and Scorpio
Friendship Compatibility between Cancer and Sagittarius
Friendship Compatibility between Cancer and Capricorn
Friendship Compatibility between Cancer and Aquarius
Friendship Compatibility between Cancer and Pisces
Friendship Compatibility between Leo and Leo
Friendship Compatibility between Leo and Virgo
Friendship Compatibility between Leo and Libra
Friendship Compatibility between Leo and Scorpio
Friendship Compatibility between Leo and Sagittarius
Friendship Compatibility between Leo and Capricorn
Friendship Compatibility between Leo and Aquarius
Friendship Compatibility between Leo and Pisces
Friendship Compatibility between Virgo and Virgo
Friendship Compatibility between Virgo and Libra
Friendship Compatibility between Virgo and Scorpio
Friendship Compatibility between Virgo and Sagittarius
Friendship Compatibility between Virgo and Capricorn
Friendship Compatibility between Virgo and Aquarius
Friendship Compatibility between Virgo and Pisces
Friendship Compatibility between Libra and Libra
Friendship Compatibility between Libra and Scorpio
Friendship Compatibility between Libra and Sagittarius
Friendship Compatibility between Libra and Capricorn
Friendship Compatibility between Libra and Aquarius
Friendship Compatibility between Libra and Pisces
Friendship Compatibility between Scorpio and Scorpio
Friendship Compatibility between Scorpio and Sagittarius
Friendship Compatibility between Scorpio and Capricorn
Friendship Compatibility between Scorpio and Aquarius
Friendship Compatibility between Scorpio and Pisces
Friendship Compatibility between Sagittarius and Sagittarius
Friendship Compatibility between Sagittarius and Capricorn
Friendship Compatibility between Sagittarius and Aquarius
Friendship Compatibility between Sagittarius and Pisces
Friendship Compatibility between Capricorn and Capricorn
Friendship Compatibility between Capricorn and Aquarius
Friendship Compatibility between Capricorn and Pisces
Friendship Compatibility between Aquarius and Aquarius
Friendship Compatibility between Aquarius and Pisces
Friendship Compatibility between Pisces and Pisces
Love Compatibility between Aries and Aries
Love Compatibility between Aries and Taurus
Love Compatibility between Aries and Gemini
Love Compatibility between Aries and Cancer
Love Compatibility between Aries and Leo
Love Compatibility between Aries and Virgo
Love Compatibility between Aries and Libra
Love Compatibility between Aries and Scorpio
Love Compatibility between Aries and Sagittarius
Love Compatibility between Aries and Capricorn
Love Compatibility between Aries and Aquarius
Love Compatibility between Aries and Pisces
Love Compatibility between Taurus and Taurus
Love Compatibility between Taurus and Gemini
Love Compatibility between Taurus and Cancer
Love Compatibility between Taurus and Leo
Love Compatibility between Taurus and Virgo
Love Compatibility between Taurus and Libra
Love Compatibility between Taurus and Scorpio
Love Compatibility between Taurus and Sagittarius
Love Compatibility between Taurus and Capricorn
Love Compatibility between Taurus and Aquarius
Love Compatibility between Taurus and Pisces
Love Compatibility between Gemini and Gemini
Love Compatibility between Gemini and Cancer
Love Compatibility between Gemini and Leo
Love Compatibility between Gemini and Virgo
Love Compatibility between Gemini and Libra
Love Compatibility between Gemini and Scorpio
Love Compatibility between Gemini and Sagittarius
Love Compatibility between Gemini and Capricorn
Love Compatibility between Gemini and Aquarius
Love Compatibility between Gemini and Pisces
Love Compatibility between Cancer and Cancer
Love Compatibility between Cancer and Leo
Love Compatibility between Cancer and Virgo
Love Compatibility between Cancer and Libra
Love Compatibility between Cancer and Scorpio
Love Compatibility between Cancer and Sagittarius
Love Compatibility between Cancer and Capricorn
Love Compatibility between Cancer and Aquarius
Love Compatibility between Cancer and Pisces
Love Compatibility between Leo and Leo
Love Compatibility between Leo and Virgo
Love Compatibility between Leo and Libra
Love Compatibility between Leo and Scorpio
Love Compatibility between Leo and Sagittarius
Love Compatibility between Leo and Capricorn
Love Compatibility between Leo and Aquarius
Love Compatibility between Leo and Pisces
Love Compatibility between Virgo and Virgo
Love Compatibility between Virgo and Libra
Love Compatibility between Virgo and Scorpio
Love Compatibility between Virgo and Sagittarius
Love Compatibility between Virgo and Capricorn
Love Compatibility between Virgo and Aquarius
Love Compatibility between Virgo and Pisces
Love Compatibility between Libra and Libra
Love Compatibility between Libra and Scorpio
Love Compatibility between Libra and Sagittarius
Love Compatibility between Libra and Capricorn
Love Compatibility between Libra and Aquarius
Love Compatibility between Libra and Pisces
Love Compatibility between Scorpio and Scorpio
Love Compatibility between Scorpio and Sagittarius
Love Compatibility between Scorpio and Capricorn
Love Compatibility between Scorpio and Aquarius
Love Compatibility between Scorpio and Pisces
Love Compatibility between Sagittarius and Sagittarius
Love Compatibility between Sagittarius and Capricorn
Love Compatibility between Sagittarius and Aquarius
Love Compatibility between Sagittarius and Pisces
Love Compatibility between Capricorn and Capricorn
Love Compatibility between Capricorn and Aquarius
Love Compatibility between Capricorn and Pisces
Love Compatibility between Aquarius and Aquarius
Love Compatibility between Aquarius and Pisces
Love Compatibility between Pisces and Pisces


Astrology Leo Detailed Profile
Sagittarius in Love
Leo in Love
Aries in Romance
Friendship Compatibility between Gemini and Virgo
Friendship Compatibility between Libra and Pisces
How Others See Gemini
What Leo Needs
Love Compatibility between Sagittarius and Pisces
Friendship Compatibility between Aries and Taurus
Aries Positive Side
Love Compatibility between Virgo and Aquarius
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