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Herbal Infusions and Tisanes

Tea Types


Herbal Infusions and Tisanes

The word "tea" is a beverage made with the leaves of a plant. But true "tea" is made from the Camellia sinensis ? and everything else isn?t "tea" at all. Connoisseurs and tea professionals will tell you that all leaf-derived drinks other than true "tea" should be referred to as tisanes or herbal infusions. Tisane (tee-ZAHN) is what many people think of as "herbal tea," a drink made by steeping herbs, spices, flowers, etc. in boiling water. The term "herbal infusion" is pretty much the same thing: a drink made by steeping an herb in hot water. These herbal drinks are commonly associated with physical and mental health, and are consumed for their soothing or rejuvenating qualities. Common herbal beverages are chamomile, peppermint, fennel, rose hip, and lemon verbena.


Green Tea
Oolong Tea
Pu Erh Tea
Rooibos and Honeybush
Black Tea
Blooming Teas
Tea Tonics
Iced Tea
Flavored Tea
Traditional Indian Tea
Mate Teas
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