handy health advices

1. Movement is life. Research has shown that exercising daily brings tremendous benefits to our health, including increase of life span, lowering of risk of diseases, higher bone density and weight loss. Increase activity in your life. Choose walking over transport for close distances. Climb the stairs instead of taking the lift. .....
Pick exercises you enjoy
2. When you enjoy any activities, you'll naturally want to do them. Exercise isn't about suffering and pushing yourself; it's about being healthy and having fun at the same time. Pick up exercise or any sport which you like .....
Eat more fruits
3. Fruits are a natural source of vitamins and minerals. Do you know that oranges offer more health benefits than Vitamin C pills? Taking in synthetic supplements are not the same as consuming the foods direct from nature. Fill your palate with most nutritious fruits. .....
Eat more vegetables
4. Vegetables are important for the well being of our health. Experts suggest that we should have 5-9 servings of fruits/vegetables, Think about your favorite vegetables and include more of them in your daily diet. .....
Eat small meals
5. Choose several small meals over a few big meals a day. This balances out your energy distribution throughout the day. In general, eat when you feel hungry, and stop when you're full. Listen to your body and take meal when you feel hungry. .....
Stop eating when you feel full
6. Many of us rely on external cues to tell when we're full, such as whether everyone has finished eating, whether your plate is empty or not. These are irrelevant – you should look at internal cues, such as whether your stomach feels full or not. Don't feel obligated to eat just because there's still food left in the plate. .....
Say no to oily food
7. Reduce your intake of fast food, fries, doughnuts, chips, wedges, and foods that have been deep fried. Not only are they very fattening (1 tablespoon of oil is 120 calories), deep fried food contains acrylamide, a potential cancer-causing chemical.There are better alternatives, such as grilled, steamed, stir-fried or even raw food .....
Drink lot of water
8. Water is your body's principal chemical component and makes up about 60 percent of your body weight. Every system in your body depends on water. For example, water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues. You typically need 3 litres of water intake every day, it may vary depending on the climatic conditions. .....
Drinking alcohol
9. When it comes to drinking alcohol, the key is doing so only in moderation. Certainly, you don't have to drink any alcohol, if you currently don't drink, don't start drinking for the possible health benefits. In some cases, it's safest to avoid alcohol entirely .....
Fibre in food
10. Eat more of food which has fibre content, fibre is found mainly in fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Fibre helps to maintain a healthy weight and lowering your risk of diabetes and heart disease. .....
11. Your body needs calcium to build and maintain strong bones. Your heart, muscles and nerves also need calcium to function properly. The best source of calcium is from milk products. Consult your doctor for your calcium needs and use calcium suplements if advised. .....
Sress management
12. Stress is a normal psychological and physical reaction to the ever increasing demands of life. Over time, high levels of stress lead to serious health problems. Don't wait until stress has a negative impact on your health, relationships or quality of life. Start practicing a range of stress management techniques today. .....
13. Proteins are the building blocks of our body. You need to add adequate protein to your daily diet to counter the wear and tear of your body cells. Some of the best sources of protein are cheese, peanuts, watermelon seeds and beans. .....
Happy go healthy
14. "People who feel happy are gernerally more healthy. So don't wait,start discovering how you feel more happy. Some of the actions could be : Surround yourself with happy people,devote time to family and friends,maintain an optimistic outlook feel a sense of purpose and last but not the least : live in the present." .....
Quality sleep
15. Quality sleep is good for your heart. It can be a challenge to make time for good sleep, but it's important. Try to get eight hours of good, quality sleep each night. Yes, each person's sleep needs vary slightly, but eight is a good number to shoot for. .....
Quit Smoking
16. Tobacco is a killer. Smokers and other tobacco users are more likely to develop disease and die earlier than people who don't use tobacco. So if you smoke, quit smoking. It may take more than one try, but you definitely can stop smoking. .....
Vitamin C
17. Vitamin C has several benefits, including a modest effect on combating the common cold. People who have vitamin C deficiency often feel fatigued or depressed. Plus, some studies show that vitamin C can have mood-elevating effects also. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables which are rich in vitamin C. .....
Start the day with lemon
18. "Start the day with a glass of warm water and the juice of half a lemon squeezed into it. It's so simple and the benefits are just too good to ignore. Lemons are high in Vitamin C and potassium. Vitamin C is great for fighting colds and potassium stimulates brain and nerve function and helps control blood pressure." .....
Healthy heart
19. The human heart's job is to pump nutrient-rich blood throughout your body and its extremely important to keep your heart young and healthy. Some of the ways to keep your heart healthy are: daily exercises, good diet, avoid smoking and excessive alcohol, and last but not the least keep your heart filled with good thoughts. .....
Sprouts most nutrious
20. Sprouts are considered as wonder foods. They rank as the freshest and most nutritious of all vegetables available to the human diet. Some of the best sprouts sources are "Grains : Wheat, maize, ragi, bajra and barley", "Seeds : Alfalfa seeds, radish seeds, fenugreek seeds, carrot seeds, coriander seeds, pumpkin seeds and muskmelon seeds" and "Legumes : Mung, Bengal gram, groundnut and peas". .....
Avoid water during meals
21. Do not drink water with meals. Water should be taken an hour before or an hour after your meals. Water during meals severely hampers your stomach's digestive powers and causes insulin levels to fluctuate significantly. .....
Golden Rule
22. Follow the Golden Rule - Breakfast like a KING, Lunch like a PRINCE and keep your dinner very light, Starting the day without refuelling your body's engine means poor concentration, irritability, low blood sugar and a dreadful craving for the biscuit tin or chocolate bar in the middle of the morning. .....
Don t starve
23. People who want to slim down should never starve. Several days of starving increases the craving for food. To prevent over eating impulse the stomach must be filled and the body's requirements of vital nutrients must be met. Slight changes in the diet will certainly help in burning the fat in a healthy way. .....
An Apple a day
24. Apples are a rich source of dietary fibre, vitamin 'c' and antioxidants. Apples juice is known to effectively improve the digestion. The fibre available in apples helps prevent the cholesterol build up thus keeping the heart diseases at bay. .....
Medical Check up
25. There is a general feeling among most of us that there is no need to have medical tests or check-ups done unless we have particular symptoms that indicate that we have a medical problem. This is rather unfortunate that we get our car serviced every 3-6 months and ignore our health. Do get your medical check-up done at least once a year, it will prevent lot of serious health problems from occurring. .....
Chin Up Bar
26. Easily and temporarily turn a doorway into a multi-position chin-up bar for a low cost. Just fit the bar in an doorway which has enough space and do chin-ups when you can. .....
27. The TRX strap was developed by a Navy SEAL to stay “mission ready” on the road. They're portable and effective and can be setup permanentely or temporarily based on your requirements. Attach it to the ceiling or for temporary options the TRX does unclip, so it's not always hanging from a ceiling. Otherwise, you can get it with a door anchor. .....
Free Standing Punching Bag
28. They're affordable, durable and can easily be rolled into a corner. Fill it with water and practice punching. You never know when you might need to be action ready. A good exercise for all heavy boxers. .....
Adjustable Dumbbells
29. They're dumbbells, yes, but what makes these special is two things: You get a lot of different weight selections for less money than a bunch of individual weights, and they take up a lot less space than a full set. .....
Stretching Mat
30. Prolonged sitting is seriously bad for your health and which is why you need an exercise mat near your couch to inspire you to get up every once in a while and move a bit. Use this mat and try various stretch exercises so that you remove your lethargy from your body. .....
Jump Rope
31. Get a jump rope and spend a few bucks extra to get a good one. These are great for accelerating your heart rate, building stamina, teaching you coordination and skill. Jump ropes also enable you to cut down your fat as it is equivalent to cardio exercise you do in the gym. .....
Exercise Bands
32. There are a ton of different exercises to be done with resistance bands, and one of the best and the most favorite from people around the world is the wood chop. Just attach this to any permanent joint or a pillar, and work your way to a healthy body. .....
Core Training Wheels
33. A big ab crunch machine isn't the answer to training your core, but these training wheels can take you to a new level. These devices come in a number of varieties and can give you a rock-solid midsection. Try these today to get a good, clean mid-section. .....
Exercise Ball
34. There are lots of cool exercises to be done on an exercise ball (also known as a Swiss ball). The exercise ball is a versatile tool. These are a great motivation for doing more than using the ball for simple crunches. Try them while bodybuilding or doing stretching exercises, everything fits the bill. .....
Thera Band
35. Pretty economical to own that you have no excuse. If you're a runner you really you need a Thera-Band. Using a Thera-Band just like for three sets of 10 (each leg) two or three times a week, does wonders for improving your running gait and preventing injury. .....
Doing Extra Crunches
36. Extra crunches don't lead to tight abs. If you want a toned look, you need to focus on burning the layer of fat that may be covering your belly. Here the key is to not to be obsessed about crunches, but focus on burning fat. .....
Starve Yourself
37. At times, you may think that starving yourself to get a flat stomach. Starving yourself is not only ineffective, but also dangerous for your overall well-being. Starving yourself may disrupt your body's metabolism. This will only slow down results. Do not starve yourself, and eat wholesome meals after short intervals of time. Eating less may be the right key to weight loss, but starving yourself is not. .....
Pills and Supplements
38. Do not fall for any pills or supplements as there is no ‘magic pill' available in the market. There are many pills and supplements which claim to give you a flat stomach. Instead of popping a pill, it will be better to burn calories with intense exercise. .....
Packaged Diet Products
39. Usually packaged products are packed with refined sugar even though they are to be a solution for weight loss. You should try to avoid packaged foods and stick to a nutritious diet. Some ingredients in packaged foods don't lead to weight loss. In fact, they may have a high-calorie content. .....
Avoiding Carbohydrates
40. Common misconceptions make you think that carbohydrates are bad for your health. But this is not true, you can eat carbohydrates while slimming down. You should stick with wholesome carbs rather than giving up all carbohydrates .....
41. An adult person needs between 7 and 8 hours of sleep per night, on average. However, many of us have trouble falling asleep, and insomnia affects millions of people. Try some foods for a better sleep, such as oatmeal before bed as it is very rich in carbohydrates. Oats not only stimulate the natural production of serotonin (a neurotransmitter that elevates your mood and makes you happy), but also a slower your digesting ability that will keep you .....
42. Chickpeas contain high amounts of Vitamin B6, an essential vitamin for the production of melatonin, a hormone responsible with sleeping. Chickpeas stimulate the production of melatonin, thus helping you fall asleep faster and sleep till morning. .....
43. Just like chickpeas and oatmeal, bananas also boost the levels of serotonin and melatonin. Banana is also known as a natural muscle relaxant, helping you relax and get ready for bed in a natural, fast and efficient way. .....
Seeds and Nuts
44. A plethora of health benefits, seeds and nuts not only promote a strong and healthy heart, but they are also very rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to elevate your mood in a natural . A great sources of antioxidants as well. A small cup of almonds or flaxseed consumed right before bedtime will do the trick. .....
Warm Milk and Honey
45. Warm milk contains an amino-acid called tryptophan (in addition to the calcium that is highly beneficial as well) while the honey relaxes your muscles and your mind. A nutritious as well as delicious drink right before bedtime. .....
46. Fried or baked potatoes are not only delicious, but potatoes are a great source of tryptophan (the sleep-inducing hormone) as well. They also have an overall soothing effect that is beneficial both for your body and for your mind. .....
Relaxing Tea
47. Some types of tea have a soft sedating effect that is perfect for stressed people who have trouble falling asleep. Peppermint, herbal tea or chamomile tea are three of the most popular types of tea that are known for their sleep-inducing effect. .....
48. Healthy bones are essential for a strong skeletal system, as they are designed to protect our organs from injuries and they also determine our body shape. As we age, our bones change and evolve, we must give them the nutrients they need to function properly. Soy is very rich in calcium and protein, and it is great for healthy bones, a cup of soybean contains a quarter of the recommended daily intake of calcium, along with magnesium which is equal .....
49. Spinach also contains plenty of Iron and Vitamin A in addition to the high amounts of calcium. No wonder Popeye used to eat spinach and have such strong muscles! .....
50. Eggs are another great source of calcium and Vitamin D, the latter being another important nutrient for strong and healthy bones. While the calcium is in the egg white, the Vitamin D is located in the yolk, therefore make sure to consume both of them. The lack of Vitamin D can lead to osteoporosis and it can also cause rickets. .....
Fatty Fish
51. The most important source of calcium and Vitamin E, and salmon is the best choice. Sardines and canned tuna are two other types of fatty fish that are very rich in calcium. Make sure to include this in your daily diet if you have calcium deficiency. .....
Bananas 1
52. Known for their high content of potassium, they are the most underrated foods when it comes to healthy bones. One medium-sized banana can deliver you up to 50% of the recommended daily intake of calcium. .....
53. Another essential natural source of calcium, as a glass of milk delivers 30% of the recommended daily intake of calcium. .....
Whole Grains
54. Containing an impressive amount of complex carbohydrates and fibers, this makes the whole grains a good healthy food. Whole wheat, oats, cornmeal, buckwheat and brown rice are a few examples. .....
Leafy Greens and Roots
55. Leafy green and roots are other great additions to your diet if you need to boost your calcium, iron and vitamin intake for healthy and strong bones. Leafy greens are also great sources of natural protein. .....
Nuts and Seeds
56. Rich in healthy fats, these are just as important as calcium and Vitamin D when it comes to healthy and strong bones. One-ounce serving of almonds per day and your bones are healthy throughout the years. .....
Potatoes 1
57. Despite the fact that potatoes do not contain high amounts of calcium, they are extremely rich in potassium and this mineral (along with Vitamin D3) supports the absorption of calcium. .....
58. Tofu is a great calcium-rich food for those who are allergic to dairy products, tofu tastes good and you can couple it with almost any type of food too. Tofu fortified with calcium is suggested for a nutritious diet. .....
59. Don't have enough energy to carry on with your daily work, now you will. Junk foods actually make you tired. Your body uses a lot of energy processing carbohydrates, which means you'll feel tired and lethargic soon after eating them. Cut down on those fries and breads and feel the difference. .....
Do Exercise
60. While exercising is a good option, but if your body is used to not getting any exercise, then it's going to feel tired even from exerting even a small amount of energy. But do it on a regular basis and feel the difference. Your body releases endorphins and it will build muscle as you continue to work out more often. This helps to reduce fatigue as compared to before. .....
61. Not just to feel alive but also to give you energy. You need to make sure that you're getting adequate sleep at night. This might mean going to bed earlier, even a half an hour can make a big difference. .....
62. Like to eat cereal laden breakfast in the morning, then you might want to consider. Eat a whole grain breakfast or eggs instead, and you will find that you have more energy throughout the day. Save yourself from having the instant energy and instead keep chunks of energy ready when you need them. .....
63. Maybe you never knew this but excess of coffee makes you feel sleepy. And if you continue to drink coffee all day long, this will result in fatigue. Cut back to one cup and drink water throughout the day as well. .....
Nutrition Deficit
64. Fruits and vegetables not only will this make you healthier, it will also ensure that you get the nutrients that your body needs for energy. Combine your daily diet with loads of fruits and veggies, and you will feel the benefits throughout the day, be it your mood or energy throughout the day. Also try and eat raw foods, this will give your body more nutrients that it needs. .....
65. Everyone deals with stress on a daily basis, but excess stress might just cause fatigue. Your brain uses up a lot of energy when you're stressed, which will cause it to release adrenaline. It's important that you avoid stress as much as you can. Meditation and deep breathing are great tools that you can use to release your stress and gain a new perspective and feel more energetic. .....
Chourishi Systems