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Sketch Out a Layout

Essential Photography Tips


Sketch Out a Layout

Sketching out a layout before you even touch the mouse is a common practice amongst web designers, and it should be no different for your portfolio. The reason why I found sketching to be helpful is so that I dont lose focus of what my intentions are. If we think back to Tip 1, we want our portfolio to be targeted specifically to our demographic. This includes colors, layout, navigation, icons, typography, everything. If you sketch out your idea while its fresh in your mind, you wont lose track of it or have any other ideas write over it. Its an easy way of sticking to your original plan.
Remember though, its okay to deviate from the plan if its for the better of your portfolio. If you end up thinking the thumbnails would be better off three wide rather than two, then go for it. Try to stick to the sketch as much as possible, when possible. Its there to assist you, not cement you in place.


Make it Easy for Your Users to Contact You
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