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Technical fouls

Rules to play Foosball


Technical fouls

If, in the judgment of an authorized tournament official, either team competing in a match is at any time in flagrant or intentional violation of these rules of play, a technical foul may be called on the offending team. When a technical foul is called, play shall stop and the ball awarded to the opponents of the offending team at its three man rod. One shot will be taken after which play shall stop. If it scores or not, the ball shall be put back into play at the spot it was when the technical was called. If the ball was in motion, it will be put back into play as if it had been declared dead at that spot. A player is considered to have taken a technical foul shot once ball has left the three man rod. A player is considered to have been blocked the shot once the ball has either stopped in or left the defenders area. Only the shooter and defender should be at the table during the technical foul shot. On a technical foul shot, the ball must be put into play before shooting . Furthermore, all rules, including time limits and resets, still apply. A team may switch positions before and/or after the technical foul shot without being charged with a time out. Time outs may be called during a technical shot, as long as they would otherwise be legal. A point scored on an illegal technical shot shall not be allowed, and play shall resume at the spot the technical was called. If a technical foul shot ends the game, the opposing team gets the first serve of the next game. Further violations of a flagrant or intentional nature shall carry additional technical fouls. A third technical foul in any one game shall result in an automatic forfeiture of the game. Also, the official may announce at any time after the first technical foul is called on a team that further violation by that team shall be cause for forfeiture of the game or match.


Ball in Play
Point scored
Reaching Into the Playing Area
Rules Decisions and Appeals
Change of Positions
Technical fouls
No jarring
Code of Ethics
Time out
Ball Off the Table
5 bar passing
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