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Euspongia officinalis
Common sponge.

Key Uses:

  • Heart complaints involving palpitations and great exhaustion
  • Upper respiratory tract infections
  • Croup

    Origin : Traditionally gathered from waters of the Mediterranean, near Syria and Greece.

    Background : It is thought that roasted sponge was first used as a remedy in the 13th century, by the alchemist Arnold von Villanova as a treatment for goiter.

    Preparation : Sponge is carefully cleaned of sand, then toasted in a metal drum before being powdered and triturated.

    Remedy Profile : Spongia is most appropriate for those who have a marked fear of heart disease and of death, particularly by suffocation. They may feel uncomfortable in clothes.
    There is a strong focus on the heart with this remedy. Typical physical symptoms treated include palpitations and an uneasy feeling in the area of the heart. There may be congestion, with a sensation as though blood is rushing into the chest and face. A fear of suffocation and a sense of the heart being forced upward out of the chest can disrupt sleep after midnight. There is great exhaustion and the body feels heavy, so that even the slightest exertion causes complete prostration.
    Spongia is also prescribed for upper respiratory tract infections that tend to settle in the larynx, such as a dry, hollow, barking, croupy cough. There is typically a feeling of dryness in the mucous membranes, and inflammation, enlargement, and hardening of the glands, especially the thyroid gland. There may be a sensation as if there is a plug in the larynx, which may feel very sensitive to touch. Pain in the larynx typically becomes worse for swallowing, singing, or talking.

    Symptoms Better : For lying with the head low; for bending forward; for eating small amounts; for warm foods and drinks.

    Symptoms Worse : For dry, cold winds; for waking up; at midnight.

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