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Engage Yourself in the Complex and Novel

Healthy Head


Engage Yourself in the Complex and Novel

Learning new information and skills across your entire lifespan helps to keep your brain strong even in the later years of life. Activities that have the highest value for brain health are those that are novel and complex to each particular person. What is easy for one person may be challenging for another, so the things that challenge you the most have the most value for your brain. It is the novel and complex that will challenge the brain, stimulate learning, and promote synaptic density, decreasing the likelihood that neurodegenerative disease will manifest. With practice of an activity or skill, your synaptic density increases, and what was once novel and complex can easily become rote and passive. Therefore, continually learning new things will ensure your brain is always expanding and staying sharp.


Feed Your Brain
Become a Social Butterfly
Eat more colorfully
Speak Up
Be Health Conscious
Get Fit
Socialize and have fun
Let your Brain Work
Partner with your doctor
Go Green
Reduce and Eliminate Smoking Drinking and other Drugs
Adopt a Nutrient Rich Diet
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