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Baati chokha of BALIA

What to Eat in Uttar Pradesh


Baati chokha of BALIA

Baatiis a hard, unleavened bread cooked in the desert areas of Rajasthan, and in Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. Its prized for its long shelf life and high nutritional content, and in desert areas, for the minimal quantity of water required for its preparation. Baati is always eaten with dal. Baati is also closely related to Litti (cuisine) popular in Eastern UP and Western Bihar. Litti can be enjoyed with Chokha (a spice seasoned mash of potato, tomato and roasted aubergine).Baati can either be plain or have various kinds of fillings, including onions, peas, and sattu. Bafla is a kind of baati, which is softer. Bafla and baati are always eaten with hot dal with pure ghee and chutney.


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