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Welwitschia mirabilis

Weird Flowers


Welwitschia mirabilis

Its not pretty to look at, but Namibias plant Welwitschia Mirabilis can truly claim to be one of a kind. There really is nothing like it. Welwitschia plant consists of only two leaves and a sturdy stem with roots. Thats all! Two leaves continue to grow until they resemble the shaggy mane of some sci fi alien. The stem thickens, rather than gains in height, and can grow to be almost 2 meters high and 8 meters wide. Their estimated lifespan is 400 to 1500 years. It can survive up to five years with no rain. The plant is said to be very tasty either raw or baked in hot ashes, and this is how it got its other name, Onyanga, which means onion of the desert.


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