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Top Most Powerful Armies In The World



In all of our searching and all of our reading, we have never found a country with a more hilarious military system than Sweden. Not even Norway, and they are giving knighthoods to penguins! Two stories will perfectly illustrate our point. Firstly, a couple of years ago a young Swedish guy came across a military uniform that was for sale. Rather liking the snappy style of the most powerful army in the world as he thought he bought it. It wasn t until he got home that he realised that the sergeant grading was still on the uniform. That meant that if he wanted to, he could go into a military compound in the uniform, and he would probably pass by completely unnoticed. And so he did! With the uniform on and a stiff upper lip (already, so we re guessing about the stiff upper lip), this guy attending a live fire exercise for three whole days before officials realised that no one had any idea who he was. And as if that story was not amazing enough, it was revealed a couple of years ago that the Swedish research department for the armed forces, not happy with the global firepower that they already had, was seriously considering training moose to carry soldiers into battle. You could see their point: it would be hard to argue that Sweden wasn t one of the strongest armies in the world if they could charge at you through deep snow on a moose.


North Korea
The Netherlands
South Africa
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