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Have at least eight to eleven hours of sleep

Tips to get ready for Office


Have at least eight to eleven hours of sleep

An average teenager should have and needs a minimum of nine hours of sleep So if you get up at six, you'll have to go to bed at nine. Not going to happen? Well you want to feel, look and act your best for the first day; and if you're groggy, irritable and have under-eye circles on the first day, then you should rethink staying up until one in the morning.


Plan the outfits you re going to wear during the first week of office
Have at least eight to eleven hours of sleep
Gym Showers Aren t That Scary
Be Prepared
Try to join clubs or do sports
Start Your Research
Tour the District
Change Room Amenities
Make sure you eat breakfast in the morning
Go to Meetings
Meet the Press
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